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[News] New Political Forces Fight Intellectual Monopolies

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If you’re in Europe, VOTE !!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Public documents in open formats
| Greens want public documents to be written and conserved in an open format, 
| in order to keep public administrations independent from software publishers 
| and patent holders and ensure document accessibility to all citizens, 
| independent of which software he or she uses.    


Green Party on ‘copyright problems’

,----[ Quote ]
| European Patent Office (EPO)
| Greens want EPO to become a Community Institution, accountable to the 
| Commission and the EP. The EPO shall be publically funded, in order to 
| discourage their practice of issuing high numbers of patents in order to 
| secure EPO financing, which is detrimental to the quality of patents. Greens 
| propose that 5% of the renewal fees of patents are transferred to an  
| independent research and innovation fund.     


The lawyers are IAM are not too happy

Anti-patent group wins in European Parliament election

,----[ Quote ]
| "The Pirate Party wants to fundamentally reform copyright law, get rid of the 
| patent system, and ensure that citizens' rights to privacy are respected." 
| And as of today, the Pirate Party is represented in the European Parliament, 
| having secured just over 7% of the votes in Sweden in the European elections 
| held over the last few days across the EU.    



Pirates win election in Sweden


‘Let your customers infringe trolls’ patents’

,----[ Quote ]
| In it, “Newspapers are elephants in a desert of their own making, desperately 
| wandering from watering hole to watering hole, but the revenue flowing from 
| each tributary of their 18th century monopoly on the sale of copies is drying 
| up,” says Crosbie, adding:   
| “Neither fencing off the copies nor reinforcing the monopoly will help. Their 
| business model faces absolute drought. So they collect, not to commit 
| suicide, but to assemble their graveyard.  
| [...]
| then i realized, i was an artist, and all the articles on ars, /., techdirt 
| and here reminded me of patent trolls, copyright propoganda, ad nauseum. 



Can Scraping Non-Infringing Content Become Copyright Infringement... Because Of
How Scrapers Work?

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this year, we couldn't figure out how Facebook's lawsuit against
| Power.com made any sense. Power.com tried to aggregate various social
| networking accounts in a single place, so you could manage them all at once
| through a single interface. Yet Facebook charged the company with all sorts
| of complaints, including copyright and trademark infringement, unlawful
| competition and violation of the computer fraud and abuse act.


What do the EU results and Pirate Party mean for digital rights?

,----[ Quote ]
| Stand back from the media frenzy concentrating on Labour’s woes for a moment,
| and ask yourself what these elections mean for digital rights.
| Several parties that broadly supported digital rights concerns did well in
| this election, including, in the UK, UKIP and the Greens. The Liberal
| Democrats also had a fair showing.

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