On 19 Giu, 00:08, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Still a minute faster
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Back in March, I compared the load times for Windows XP and Fedora 10 on
> | different hardware, and found that Linux booted about a minute faster. The
> | fact that I had to run the test on different hardware was because I have to
> | run Windows on my work laptop, but my wife happily runs Linux on her laptop
> | at home. But it was still interesting that Linux booted faster on much older
> | hardware (2005: IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T43, Intel Centrino CPU @ 1.86 GHz, 512MB
> | memory) compared to the newer laptop running Windows (2008: Dell Latitude
> | D430, Intel Core2 CPU @ 1.20GHz, 2GB memory).
> `----
> http://linuxinexile.blogspot.com/2009/06/still-minute-faster.html
> What is the best Linux distribution for beginners
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | To conclude I would say this: the easiest Linux distribution to install and
> | use for beginners is Linux Mint, however if you want professional support or
> | commercial applications the best Linux distribution for a beginner is Ubuntu.
> | If you want an easy install "just to try Linux" you should use Linux Mint.
> `----
> http://windows2linux.tech-no-media.com/2009/06/what-is-best-linux-dis...
> Recent:
> GRUB 2: the New Boot Loader in Ubuntu 9.10
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) for Karmic Koala took place this year, between
> | the 25th and 29th of May, in Barcelona, Spain. There were 270 blueprints that
> | needed to be discussed during the summit, like the new professional look of
> | Plymouth (an application that takes care of the graphical boot animation) for
> | Karmic Koala, which will not become reality very soon. However, some of the
> | ideas discussed at UDS will be implemented in the next version of the Ubuntu
> | operating system, due for release in late October 2009. One of these was
> | the "grub2-as-default" discussion, and Colin Watson had the pleasure to
> | announce last night that GRUB 2 would definitely be the default boot loader
> | in Ubuntu 9.10.
> `----
> http://news.softpedia.com/news/GRUB-2-The-New-Boot-Loader-in-Ubuntu-9...
> GRUB2 To Be Used By Default In Ubuntu 9.10
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Starting with Ubuntu 9.10 (and beginning with tomorrow's daily CD builds),
> | GRUB2 will be the default boot-loader on new Ubuntu installations. GRUB2 will
> | bring internationalization support, support for newer systems, and many other
> | improvements considering this GNU boot-loader has been in development for a
> | number of years.
> `----
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzMxMg
> Explaining Ubuntu's 10 Second Boot Time
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Canonical's Scott James Remnant has now outlined more on their plans for the
> | Ubuntu boot performance targets with Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 LTS. The main
> | areas that developers will be working on is speeding up the X Server start-up
> | process and improving initramfs.
> `----
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzMxMw
> GRUB 2 Receives New Font Engine
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | GRUB 2, the next-generation Linux boot loader, has received a new font
> | engine. Version 2 of the GRand Unified Bootloader introduces this new font
> | engine that's written in C and with a font tool in Java. This engine will
> | allow for better internationalization support including non-ASCII character
> | codes and support for multiple fonts.
> `----
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Njk2Nw
> Super Grub Disk To The Rescue!
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | If you've ever tried to set up a dual boot system, more than likely you have
> | also managed to mangle the master boot record (MBR) of your main system drive
> | at least one time. Once corrupted you typically have a couple of options. One
> | of the most obvious ways is to boot from a CD-ROM distribution and reinstall
> | the OS. It's probably not the quickest fix but it usually does work. You
> | could accomplish basically the same thing with a bootable USB disk if you
> | happen to have one.
> |
> | Super Grub Disk (SGB) is a handy alternative that works in a few seconds.
> | You'll find versions you can burn to a CD-ROM, USB disk or floppy disk.
> | Booting from one of these media devices presents you with a menu of options
> | that should help you get your system configured properly. It's also a tool
> | capable of leaving your system unable to boot if you set the options wrong.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Super Grub Disk is a handy tool to have around if you find yourself
> | installing multiple operating systems or even if you just want a way to
> | diagnose a boot problem. It gives you an alternative boot path to get around
> | a system that won't boot from the main hard drive. Best of all, it's free!
> `----
> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6572/1/
> Vista SP1 won't install on dual-boot systems: Microsoft
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | If you’re dualbooting Windows Vista Enterprise or Ultimate alongside a Linux
> | distro, and have installed the Linux bootloader into the MBR, then you’re
> | guaranteed to run into problems when installing Vista Service Pack 1,
> | Microsoft has admitted.
> `----
> http://apcmag.com/vista_sp1_wont_install_on_dualboot_systems_microsof...
> Related:
> Geek in Paradise - Vista Upgrade
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | As the HP Advisor disc was in the process of finishing, the machine
> | froze solid. After giving it 5 minutes of no disk activity, I reset
> | the machine to be greeted by a lovely blinking cursor. I put the
> | Vista disc in and booted into a repair installation, where I ran the
> | Repair tool. My hunch was proved correct when it returned a corrupted
> | MBR, which it had fixed. Thinking all was well, I rebooted to be
> | greeted with a black screen (no blinking cursor). Well, there's
> | something more going on so I rebooted into the repair tool and let
> | it do it's thing. This time, it found a Corrupted Partition table
> | which it then said it repaired. Awesome! Next reboot was greeted by
> | the same black screen, so I figured the other partition was corrupt
> | as well and let the repair tool run again and fix the partition
> | table again. Reboot, same thing...
> `----
> http://geekinparadise.com/2007/04/05/vista-upgrade/
> Vista scoots to new boot, but it's still kinda rooted
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | While Microsoft would like the world to believe that anyone running Windows
> | has no need of any other operating system, that attitude doesn?t cut much
> | mustard with many of its users.
> |
> | Why settle for one OS when your PC is easily capable of running two or
> | more?
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | One of the more questionable tactics that Microsoft has implemented in
> | Vista is to automatically overwrite any existing MBR during the
> | installation process without asking if you mind or giving you an option
> | to back up.
> |
> | Microsoft says that the Windows installation system can't intelligently
> | interrogate an existing non-MS MBR, although such features are quite
> | common in the install routine for other OSes.
> |
> | It also argues that an "official" Vista MBR is required for security
> | features -- such as measured boot, which works with Trusted Platform
> | Module (TPM)-enabled chips to check that the OS hasn't been hacked or
> | altered each time it boots -- to work correctly.
> `----
> http://www.apcstart.com/site/akidman/2006/09/1656/vista-scoots-to-new...
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> ndMAn0pmhSo8E2A2u3jaLsr7dA70lCpx
> =WG1r
I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a relatively new HP machine that came
with Vista. I wiped Vista. The installation took maybe 20 minutes,
plus another hour or so setting up all the software like I like it.
Connection to a printer via LAN worked flawlessly. Easiest
installation I've ever done.
More to the point of your post, the new installation boots amazingly
fast. I haven't timed it, but I'd estimate 20-30 seconds. Another
installation I did recently, Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Dimension 2000
series, boots in about 1 minute 15 seconds.