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[News] Potential Microsoft Friend Funds SCO (Carlyle Group Connections)

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SCO vs. Linux: New investor rescues SCO from bankruptcy

,----[ Quote ]
| In yet another bizarre twist in the interminable legal dispute over source 
| code allegedly illegally copied from UNIX System V into Linux, the SCO Group, 
| which claims ownership of the disputed code, has secured a last-gasp reprieve 
| from the threat of liquidation. Immediately before the crucial liquidation 
| hearing in the bankruptcy court, SCO CEO Darl McBride signed an agreement 
| with a company by the name of Gulf Capital Partners, backed by well-known 
| investor Stephen Norris. Caught out by the surprise development, all parties 
| have agreed to postpone the liquidation hearing until the 16th or the 27th of 
| July.        


SCO Group strikes deal just before bankruptcy hearing

,----[ Quote ]
| The SCO Group lives.
| Facing life or death, officers of the embattled Utah software company signed 
| a deal Monday just before walking into a federal bankruptcy courtroom for a 
| hearing on motions to liquidate it. Instead, they proposed selling off the 
| company's Unix business to a London-based firm, while keeping its licensing 
| claims that are part of high-profile lawsuits involving IBM, Novell and other 
| companies.     
| The SCO Group also would retain its mobile application business, an area 
| where it sees big potential growth. 
| "We signed that deal just minutes before the court hearing, and walked in and 
| handed it to them, " said Darl McBride, CEO of Lindon-based SCO.  


Last Minute Filings in SCO Bankruptcy - Hearing Later Today - Update: 1st word;
2nd Update


After the Hearing: Reports From Our Eyewitnesses - Updated

,----[ Quote ]
| So, the bottom line of the day is that the proposed sale to 
| Gulf-Cap-whatever-their-name-really-turns-out-to-be (see previous article) 
| will have a hearing on July 16, as Webster earlier reported. So we will no 
| doubt get to see the proposed agreement filed, and then objections, the usual 
| song and dance. So, bottom line? Delay, delay, delay. It's too bad SCO can't 
| package it up and sell delay. They'd make a fortune. It is what they are best 
| at, I'd say.      


After the Hearing: Reports From Our Eyewitnesses


SCO Does It, Quite Frankly, As Usual

,----[ Quote ]
| As it stands, everything remains up in the air — the proposed sale is by no 
| means final, and if it is like any of the others, is likely nothing more than 
| a delaying tactic. If the judge has any sense about him, when and if this 
| deal falls through like all the rest, he'll wake up and finally start 
| sanctioning SCO for treating the Bankruptcy Code like kindling. If it falls 
| through by next month's hearing, SCO will need a miracle even Satan couldn't 
| help them get to avoid conversion into a Chapter 7 — once the Chapter 7 
| trustee gets his hands on them, they'll find themselves sold off faster than 
| $5 Ferraris. By the time it finally happens, that champagne we all put away 
| in 2002 will be just about right.         



Shuttleworth: Microsoft Fracturing the Open-Source Community

,----[ Quote ]
| "That's extortion and we should call it what it is," he said. "To say, as 
| [Microsoft CEO Steve] Ballmer did, that there is undisclosed balance sheet 
| liability, that's just extortion and we should refuse to get drawn into that 
| game. On the other side, if Microsoft is concerned about its intellectual 
| property, there is no one in the free software community that wants to 
| violate anyone's IP. Disclose the patents and we'll fix the code. 
| Alternatively, move on."      
| Microsoft has said it does disclose which patents are being violated, but 
| only in one-on-one conversations with vendors. To Shuttleworth, that is not 
| disclosure, because patents are public documents.  


[Mark Shuttleworth Interview]

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is asking people to pay them for patents, but they won't 
| say which ones. If a guy walks into a shop and says: "It's an 
| unsafe neighbourhood, why don't you pay me 20 bucks and I'll make 
| sure you're okay," that's illegal. It's racketeering. What Microsoft 
| is doing with intellectual property is exactly the same. It's a great 
| company and I have great admiration for it, but this was not a 
| well considered position.
| So you wouldn't do a deal?
| No, absolutely not. But the time will come when the folks at 
| Microsoft who have a clear vision for the company as a participant 
| in this community, rather than as a hostile antagonist, will win. 

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