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[News] Chrome Web Browser Assessed on GNU/Linux

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Who should use alpha-status Chromium on Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mozilla and Firefox. Firefox effectively 
| paved the way for competition in the browser monopoly scenario we had a few 
| years back. Without it, I doubt web applications development would have 
| advanced the way it did.   
| But I seriously abhor using Firefox right now. On my Kubuntu Jaunty laptop, 
| my CPU utilization bottom-lines at 5-10% on average before firing up Firefox 
| and shoots up to 30-40% after. Its memory issues are well-documented. Typing 
| a URL in the address bar the first time after starting up causes the entire 
| browser to freeze while it pulls up the address history. There have been 
| experiments that show the Windows version of Firefox running faster on Wine 
| than the native Linux versions.      


Testing Google Chrome Alpha: Test #1 - Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Editor’s note: We have a special installment for MakeUseOf readers who happen 
| to be Chrome fans. We are reviewing the alpha build of Chrome for both Linux 
| and Mac today. Watch out for the Mac edition later on.  
| For those Linux users who have been waiting hard and long for the release of 
| Google Chrome Linux Alpha, there are both a good and bad news for you. The 
| bad news is, Google Chrome for Linux is still not available yet. The good 
| news however, the alpha build is now available for testing, which could be a 
| joy for some Linux geeks.    



- From The Labs: A first look at Chrome 2

,----[ Quote ]
| Charles McLellan checks out the new features in Google's latest browser, and
| compares its performance to its rivals


Google Chrome 2

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| You’ve probably seen many web sites saying, "Yeah! Chrome rocks! Fast!
| Speed-speed-speed! Woo-hoo!", provided with a bunch of benchmarks flexing
| it’s muscle, so to speak.
| Is Chrome fast? Yes, obviously. The fastest? No, that honor still belongs to
| Lynx and always will. Fastest GUI-based browser? Quite possibly.


Google Chrome As Smooth as Chrome on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I would say once Flash gets in into this Google Chrome pre releases then it
| will be something I will stick with on Linux. Once Google Chrome comes out to
| Linux and Mac the browser wars will really heat up, and I don’t think Chrome
| is going to melt.


Test-driving Chrome for Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall, I’m impressed with Chrome so far.  Its tiny resource footprint is
| likely to score big points with Linux geeks who like their machines to run as
| efficiently as possible, and with users seeking a more responsive browser
| than the mainstream offerings.  The current lack of integration into Gnome
| and the inability to change search engines (not to mention most other
| preferences) is discouraging, but we should spare final judgement on these
| issues until Chrome’s Linux port becomes stable.


Five Essential Apps for the Ubuntu User

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu really shows the flexibility and potential of the Linux desktop. And
| the various applications – like the five discussed in this TechTip – add to
| that flexibility.
| Are you an Ubuntu user? If so, what are some of your favorite applications?
| Leave a comment and share your favorites.


Google Chrome on Linux First Impressions and Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| So how unstable and incomplete is this developer version of Chrome? --At
| first, I didn't really notice its instability since it didn't crash on me.
| But upon checking my system stats, I found out that it is still
| (understandably) resource hungry as it is not efficient in utilizing RAM and
| CPU.


Chrome on Linux: Rough, fast & promising

,----[ Quote ]
| I'd been waiting for Chrome on Linux since Chrome first showed up. Chrome, if
| you haven't tried it, is the speed-demon of Web browsers. I love it. But,
| until now, there really wasn't a version that would run natively on Linux.
| Starting last night, June 4th, Google released developer's versions of Chrome
| for Macs and Linux. They're rough, really rough, but they're also really
| fast. Here's what I found in my first hours of working with Chrome on Linux.


Get your Google Chrome on in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| It is exciting to see such progress. I realize a lot of Linux users out there
| aren’t the biggest fans of Google. Those fans should at least give Chrome a
| try so they can see just what they will be missing. I have used Chrome on
| both Windows and Linux now and I can, without a doubt, the Linux version will
| blow away the Windows version. Of course from what I have seen the Linux
| version already is running better than the Windows version I used and I’m not
| supposed to be using the Linux version (It will probably install Windows on
| my machine while I am not looking.)


Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux: First Impression

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| At present Chrome only supports Ubuntu 8.04 or Debian 5 and later. Its
| performance on Linux is decent. It loads the pages fast and starts almost
| instantly.


Google Chrome For Mac, Linux Released To Developers

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| However, the company is discouraging average users from downloading the
| browser-in-progress unless they really know what they're doing.


Google readying Mac, Linux versions of Chrome 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has a swathe of new functionality ready for Chrome 2.0, along with Mac
| and Linux support. Here's what's inside.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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