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[News] GNU/Linux-only Sub-notebooks Are Going to Beat Ones with Windows on Performance

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux-only Sub-notebooks Are Going to Beat Ones with Windows on Performance
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:01:53 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

ARM Android netbooks more “snappy” than Windows 7 on Atom say analysts

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, there’s a big leap from snappy performance to an appealing 
| platform, and that’s something that Linux still needs to address for 
| mainstream users.  Sales figures of Windows and non-Android Linux netbooks 
| suggest that buyers are willing to put up with slower performance in return 
| for the familiarity and app-flexibility of Microsoft-based devices.  Internet 
| browsing, while perhaps the netbook’s primary purpose, is not all the budget 
| ultraportables are used for; similarly, the absence of Flash support for ARM 
| processors could prove a major stumbling block for an audience used to 
| streaming video content.        



SPOTTED: Linux notebooks with ARM CPUs

,----[ Quote ]
| Freescale and Qualcomm have coined the term smartbook to describe Linux+ARM
| systems, ditching Atom+Windows for good.


Are Linux netbooks really returned more often than Windows models?

,----[ Quote ]
| But Philip Solis, an analyst at ABI Research, questions the "reliability" of
| this evidence.
| Solis said in a March research note that Taiwan's MSI had not yet shipped a
| Linux-based Wind at the time of the comment to the magazine. When it did, it
| did "adapt" the operating system for the netbook's smaller size -- an key
| ingredient to Linux's acceptance by consumers, Solis wrote.
| Acer, Asus and Dell have all built customized versions of Linux for their
| netbooks. Solis said that Asus has noted equal return rates for Linux
| netbooks versus those running Windows.
| And while ABI's surveys show U.S. consumers clearly stating their preference
| for Windows netbooks, Solis said that isn't true around the world.
| In Asia, netbook buyers are both thriftier and "and not as tied to the
| Windows environment," Solis said. "They're looking for certain features, but
| they aren't as tied to a certain brand name."
| Solis predicts an increase in Linux netbook shipments this year, from 25% to
| a third of the 35 million netbooks expected to sell globally this year. Under
| that estimate, Linux will be shipped on 11.5 million netbook PCs in 2009.
| Solis is bullish about his prediction because of the coming ARM wave. With
| Microsoft still balking at porting Windows 7 to ARM's mobile CPU, PC makers
| using ARM have no choice but to use Linux.

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