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[News] Mac/SaaS Fan Tim O'Reilly on Desktop GNU/Linux

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Tim O'Reilly: Open source purists trying to answer the wrong question

,----[ Quote ]
| And yet, as O'Reilly points out, the open-source world continues to fixate on
the wrong battles:
|     The whole context of free and open-source software is not about Linux 
|     taking over the world and replacing Windows. That might even happen, just 
|     as the PC replaced the mainframe. And it probably will happen. But it 
|     doesn't change the dynamic....   



Tim Bray provides a bridge between Sun and developers

,----[ Quote ]
| For all the difficulties, Bray suggests that he often sees at least 
| incremental improvements in Sun. For instance, after he observed "ferment in 
| the Python world," he says that his advocacy "helped commit Sun to really 
| open up their hardware to the [Python] project. And then we just a couple of 
| weeks ago hired two Python people. We're starting to get our feet wet there."    
| [...]
| Looking further ahead, Bray predicts a move away from Microsoft operating 
| systems. "The fact is that the vast majority of office desktops are using 
| Windows, the third-best platform," he says. "You can argue about the relative 
| merits of modern Linuxes like Ubuntu and the Mac, but they are clearly better 
| than Windows in terms of robustness, cost, performance, and a whole bunch of 
| other things. For the long term, can the mainstream of business continue to 
| ignore the fact that there's a better alternative than what they're running? 
| If that logjam breaks, that's going to be a real change."       

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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