version 1.31
Written by Roy Culley.
Contributions from Mark Kent.
Modifications by Homer, 2007 - 2009.
This report covers 929 articles received by this system to
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
Toplist of Posters
Pos Poster Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 258 906757 1%
2. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> 94 152016 82%
3. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 87 85375 62%
4. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 55 60588 75%
5. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> 52 77131 21%
6. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 50 29309 66%
7. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 38 67558 51%
8. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 31 45068 28%
9. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> 27 41084 76%
10. wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> 24 22971 63%
11. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 20 31485 73%
12. Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 18 12379 56%
13. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> 17 27830 52%
14. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx> 16 22470 42%
Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 16 12645 70%
16. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx> 15 16576 63%
17. GreyCloud <cumulus@xxxxxxxx> 13 19829 79%
Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 13 3692 51%
19. SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx> 11 15356 82%
20. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx> 8 11113 81%
AZ Nomad <aznomad.3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 8 11989 68%
22. Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> 7 7857 70%
23. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@invalid. 6 14058 35%
24. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> 4 5380 76%
25. General Patron <GP@xxxxxxxxxxx> 3 1361 67%
Mart van de Wege <mvdwege@xxxxxxxxx> 3 2014 64%
<CountFloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3 2339 26%
Philip <none@xxxxxxxxxx> 3 4499 78%
29. Tom Shelton <tom_shelton@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2 4475 92%
Lusotec <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx> 2 1916 45%
Toplist of Subjects
Pos Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Possible Record for Java Programming, New GNU Util 56 58706
2. [News] Mono is a Disaster, OpenSUSE Drifts Further 38 49861
3. Ubuntu installed in 6 mintues and booting in 15 to 33 61282
4. Mono is a Disaster, OpenSUSE Drifts Further Away f 31 45142
5. Windows XP crapped out once more -- best course of 28 34666
6. An open request to this group 27 26595
7. Micro$oft's "skillz" 26 31565
8. Microsoft Windows Vista WiFi sucks, will Vista7 be 24 36535
Proposed new unit of willpower 24 15676
10. Crap, another Vista problem 22 26469
11. My recent trip to the superstore to look at netboo 21 29403
[News] MAFIAA Sued (Directly) for $5 Million, by C 21 31293
13. Microsoft should stop selling Windows in Europe 14 6936
Let's see how much the Softies know about their ow 14 7232
[News] China Makes Windows Executable to Spy on Ci 14 18492
16. 1 year ago: 100 schools in Catalonia to migrate to 13 20826
Linux first OS to have USB3 support 13 6794
18. Got to work on the Vista machine again 12 21248
19. Wife's Windows XP Crapping Out 11 17247
Another American company sweeped away by ARM & Lin 11 19723
Ah... The freedom of Open Source! 11 11957
22. Vista SLOPWARE 9 9457
23. [News] Poor Windows Can't Do Online Banking, GNU/L 8 5891
[News] Men's Wearhouse Switches to GNU/Linux 8 11642
Windows Usability 8 7235
eeePC at Woot for $170 8 5119
27. [Stop the Press] No IE onboard Windows 7 in Europe 7 12913
McAfee downplays service pack fail 7 9204
29. Ex-microsoft document... an old one. 6 5552
Invisible force destroying the status quo 6 4054
Toplist of Most Replied To Posters
Pos Poster Msgs
1. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 56
2. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 33
3. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> 26
4. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> 19
chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 19
6. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 16
Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> 16
8. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 14
9. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx> 10
10. wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> 9
William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 9
12. Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 8
13. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx> 7
7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7
Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> 7
16. SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx> 5
Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 5
Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> 5
19. Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4
ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx> 4
jebblue <n@xxxxx> 4
GreyCloud <cumulus@xxxxxxxx> 4
AZ Nomad <aznomad.3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4
Tony(UK) <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx> 4
25. Darth Chaos <DarthChaosofRSPW@xxxxxxxxx> 2
Tom Shelton <tom_shelton@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2
Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> 2
Tony Sivori <TonySivori@xxxxxxxxx> 2
<CountFloyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2
30. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1
Toplist of 'Quality' Posters [2]
Pos Poster Index
1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 135
2. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> 76
Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> 76
4. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 73
5. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 68
6. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 67
7. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 66
Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx> 66
Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 66
10. Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 64
Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 64
12. wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> 63
13. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> 62
14. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx> 61
Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 61
16. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 59
AZ Nomad <aznomad.3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 59
Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 59
19. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> 58
Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> 58
21. GreyCloud <cumulus@xxxxxxxx> 57
22. SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx> 56
23. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx> 55
Toplist of Newsreaders
Pos Newsreader Msgs
1. KNode 396
2. slrn 192
3. Pan 155
4. Thunderbird 76
5. Forte Agent 48
6. G2/1.0 20
7. tin 18
8. XPN 13
9. Mozilla 3
ProNews/2 3
Gnus 3
12. Claws Mail 3.7.1cvs25 (GTK+ 2.12.9; i686-pc-linux-gnu) 1
Microhard Lookout 1
COLA Stats Engine 1
[1]: Certain off-charter, abusive, anti-Linux or pro-Microsoft
threads will be dropped, depending on their severity, and
hence not included in the stats, which are provided by me
as a measure of advocacy, not as a means of spreading the
Trolls' lies and malice even further.
[2]: The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
c) number of direct followups posters articles get
d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
e) 75 deducted for known trolls
f) for the humour impaired the quotes around 'quality'
are intended to convey they are not to be taken too
seriously :-)
| "The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which
| the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf
| denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty.
| Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of
| the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today
| among human creatures." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
09:00:24 up 15 days, 12:58, 2 users, load average: 0.44, 0.12, 0.04