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Re: [News] [Rival] ATMs Running Microsoft Windows Get OWN3D in Large Numbers

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ Jerry McBride on Saturday 06 June 2009 00:14 : \____
>> Thanks for posting this.... I've complained bitterly to my bank about how
>> insecure their OS choice is and I've complained bitterly how exposed  my
>> personal data is on their windows servers and clients...
>> I'll be sure to rub their noses in this too...
> Everyone pays for this Windows-imposed damage, collectively. They just
> readjust interest rates, commission, etc.

I know and THAT'S what really pisses me off! I'm paying for their stupid


                             From the desk of:
                             Jerome D. McBride
   23:18:47 up 35 days,  4:48,  4 users,  load average: 2.66, 2.85, 3.02

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