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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Bong is a Pile of... Theft?

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BING – Bing Is Not Google

,----[ Quote ]
| Bing - "–noun British Dialect. a heap or pile." thats what Dictionary.com 
| says. What do you think? 


Microsoft Bing rehosts Wikifiddling as 'Reference' material

,----[ Quote ]
| We all know that Google's search engine likes to push Wikipedia links to the 
| top of its results pages. But Microsoft has gone a step further. 
| [...]
| Microsoft doesn't appear to be editing Wikipedia pages and it's linking back 
| to the GFDL license, so it would seem that Redmond is free to reproduce the 
| content and even serve ads against it. "An inherent part of our license 
| structure is that downstream commercial uses are allowed," one longtime 
| Wikipedian tells The Reg. But the GFDL isn't easily navigated - even for the 
| sharpest legal minds.     



Bing is not Google, but it is a spin engine.

,----[ Quote ]
| But rather than a search engine or even a "decision engine", Bing also
| appears to be a spin engine, in that it provides partisan answers to
| controversial topics, such as Steve Ballmer's propensity to throw chairs to
| blow off stress.  At a friend's suggestion, I typed the following phrases
| (without quotes) into both Google.com and Bing.com.  The results are very
| telling.  Be sure to look at the phrase completion options that you are
| offered as you type.
| "linux "
| "antitrust microsoft"
| "ballmer throws chair"
| "bill gates steals"
| The important thing here is not whether Bill Gates does, in fact, steal, and
| I am not here to make ad hominem attacks on the world's richest man.  The
| point is how Microsoft deals with criticism.  With spin.  As opposed to
| Google, which just repeats much of the criticism of it.
| [...]
| Contrast that with phrases that are negative for Google, such as "Google is
| evil."  Typing "Google is e" yields no suggestions.  But typing in "Google
| is" yield results which are both positive and negative for Google as a
| company:
| "Google is your friend"
| "Google is broken"
| "Google is skynet"
| "Google is making us stupid"
| "Google is a number"
| "Google is paying to work from home"
| "Google is always right"
| "Google is taking over the world"
| "Google is watching you"
| "Google is paying"
| More to the point is the first phrase.  Microsoft's first suggestions all are
| aimed at diverting attention away from one of its keenest competition, Free
| Open Source Software, a competitor which, every year in its official annual
| 10k SEC-mandated warning to investors, Microsoft lists as a threat to its
| profitability.
| [...]
| Clearly, Bing is not Google, and is not going to overtake Google anytime use,
| nor offer information which, on the whole, is as useful to its users as
| Google search results.
| By the way, the most concise summary of why Google is beating Microsoft can
| be seen by typing this phrase into your browser: Bingisnotgoogle.com.  Google
| is always one step ahead of Redmond.



Is Microsoft forcing Bing on IE6 users?

,----[ Quote ]
| We’re getting word that a number of Internet Explorer 6 users are loading up
| their browsers to discover that the default search engine, which they had set
| as Google, has been changed to Bing. What’s more, when they try to change it
| back they’re being blocked from doing so thanks to a Microsoft Live Search
| message that reads: “Oops This isn’t the page that you wanted”.


Websense blocks Bing in IM snafu

,----[ Quote ]
| Websense users were temporarily blocked from enjoying the launch of
| Microsoft's Bing search engine on Monday.


China shuts down Twitter and Bing in lead up to Tiananmen anniversary

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s widely known that China runs a pretty tight ship - to put it mildly - on
| what its citizens get to see online, especially that content which exists
| outside of China.


Badda-Bing Indeed.

,----[ Quote ]
| This is just too good. One of the features of Microsoft’s just launched Bing
| search engine is that it auto-plays videos in results when you hover over
| them. Naturally, the first thing a number of people, like Loic Le Meur, did
| was search for “sex” or “porn.” The results are majestic — if you’re a
| teenager looking for a way around porn filters on your computer. And this
| isn’t artful porn or something like it, it’s straight-up, hardcore
| pornography.

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