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[News] McCreevyism Strives to pass Software Patents Through Back Door ("Community" Patent)

  • Subject: [News] McCreevyism Strives to pass Software Patents Through Back Door ("Community" Patent)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 00:46:45 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Patent litigation reform to cut costs for SMEs

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission is seeking powers from EU member states to conclude 
| an agreement on a Unified Patent Litigation System (UPLS), which would 
| establish a court with jurisdiction for existing European patents and the 
| future Community patent system.   
| [...]
| Under the UPLS, the ECJ would rule on preliminary questions raised by patent 
| courts regarding the interpretation of EC law and regarding the validity and 
| interpretation of acts from the Community institutions. The Commission will 
| have to ensure that the rules of any draft agreement are consistent with the 
| creation of a Community patentexternal.    


Patents: EUROCHAMBRES welcomes negotiation mandate for the European Commission

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, the European Commission requested from the Council a negotiation 
| mandate on the European and Community Patent Court. 


Bid to secure agreement on patent regime


“Staff at the European Patent Office went on strike accusing the organization
of corruption: specifically, stretching the standards for patents in order to
make more money.

“One of the ways that the EPO has done this is by issuing software patents in
defiance of the treaty that set it up.”

                        --Richard Stallman


McCreevy appeals for compromise as Community patent clock continues to tick

,----[ Quote ]
| That the commissioner still feels he has to make this point seems to me to be
| a further confirmation that the hoped for breakthrough under the French
| presidency which people were talking about earlier this year is in real
| danger of not taking place. And if it does not happen with France in charge
| of the European Council, then the likelihood of it ever happening must be
| pretty remote.


Protecting innovation in Europe


European Parliament of Enterprises: Businesses take over Parliament Hemicycle
and vote

,----[ Quote ]
| Commenting on the general outcome of the event, EUROCHAMBRES President Pierre
| Simon said: “The views of an individual business, especially a small or
| medium-sized one, are easy to ignore, but these 750 plus entrepreneurs convey
| the concerns of 23 million businesses across Europe, so their cumulative
| impact is enormous.  Policy makers, starting with the European Council
| tomorrow, must take notice of their concerns and work with them closely in
| finding solutions that will enable Europe to come out of recession and
| compete globally.”


Surely Shome Mishtake?

,----[ Quote ]
| Got that? After one of the worst economic crises in recent history, caused by
| pyramids of non-existent wealth being constructed on totally fictitious
| financial instruments, they now want to use "intellectual property"
| as "collateral" in commerce - that is, more totally ficitious financial
| istruments to create another pyramid of non-existent wealth.



Term Extension “will damage Commission’s reputation”, top legal advisers tell

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, the leading European centres for intellectual property research have
| released a joint letter to EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso,
| enclosing an impact assessment detailing the far reaching and negative
| effects of the proposal to extend the term of copyright in sound recordings.
| [...] “This Copyright Extension Directive, proposed by Commissioner Mccreevy,
| is likely to damage seriously the reputation of the Commission..."


[ffii] McCreevy wants to legalise Software Patents via a US-EU patent treaty

,----[ Quote ]
| Brussels, 13 May 2008 -- European Commissioner McCreevy is pushing for a
| bilateral patent treaty with the United States. This Tuesday 13 May in
| Brussels, White House and European representatives will try to adopt a
| tight roadmap for the signature of a EU-US patent treaty by the end of
| the year. Parts of the proposed treaty will contain provision on
| software patents, and could legalise them on both sides of the Atlantic.
| "TEC talks are the current push for software patents. The US want to
| eliminate the higher standards of the European Patent Convention. The
| bilateral agenda is dictated by multinationals gathered in the
| Transatlantic Economic Business Dialogue (TABD). When you have a look
| who is in the Executive Board of the TABD, you find not a single
| European SME in there", says Benjamin Henrion, a Brussels based patent
| policy specialist.
| The Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) which comprises EU and US high
| level representatives put a substantive harmonisation of patent law on
| its agenda. Substantive patent law covers what is patentable or not. The
| attempt to impose the low US standards on Europe via the Substantive
| Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) process utterly failed at the World
| Intellectual Property Organisation. Also progress in the WIPO B+
| subgroup (without development nations) could not be reached.

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