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Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item?

"Peter Köhlmann" <peter-koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:10:04 +0100, Sermo Malifer wrote:
>>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>> "We have come across a botnet worm spreading around called "psyb0t".
>>>> It is notable because, according to my knowledge, it:
>>>> ?is the first botnet worm to target routers and DSL modems"
>>>> http://dronebl.org/blog/8
>>>> Those routers and DSL modems are running Linux, specifically
>>>> Open/DD-WRT.
>>>> Apparently there's over 100,000 bots in this botnet.
>>>> Funny how he talks about Botnets all the time, but when one shows up
>>>> on Linux, he's strangely silent.
>>>> Odd.
>>> "Am I Vulnerable?"
>>> "You are only vulnerable if:
>>> Your device is a mipsel (MIPS running in little-endian mode, this is
>>> what the worm is compiled for) device.
>>> Your device also has telnet, SSH or web-based interfaces available to
>>> the WAN, and
>>> Your username and password combinations are weak, OR the daemons that
>>> your firmware uses are exploitable."
>>> "As such, 90% of the routers and modems participating in this botnet
>>> are participating due to user-error (the user themselves or otherwise).
>>> Unfortunately, it seems that some of the people covering this botnet do
>>> not understand this point, and it is making us look like a bunch of
>>> idiots."
>>> "Any device that meets the above criteria is vulnerable, including
>>> those built on custom firmware such as OpenWRT and DD-WRT. If the above
>>> criteria is not met, then the device is NOT vulnerable."
>> And your point?

>> Despite all those "limitations", there were estimated to be more than
>> 100,000 infected routers.
> "Estimated" by what evidence?
> In short, from which nether regions were those numbers pulled?

Yet when your superior Roy Schestowitz posts thne "estimated" size of a 
Windows botnet you have no problem accepting those estimates as if they 
were gospel.

"Köhlmann"... is that how "hypocrite" is pronounced in German?

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