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[News] Filmmakers Love Torrent, Sarko Regime Hates It

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Filmmaker Releases Film Via All Torrent Sites, Says Pay If You Like It

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like yet another filmmaker has realized that obscurity is a much 
| bigger threat than piracy. Matthew Krum lets us know that the makers of the  
| movie BLANK have decided to release the movie on all torrent sites, while 
| also offering up a DVD version and a donation offering on their site.  


Lion of France on the attack against Amendment 138 

,----[ Quote ]
| The French government is said to be ‘fighting like a lion' to kill the 
| controversial Amendment 138 for user safeguards  in the Telecoms Package. It 
| is taking its fight to heart of the Council of Ministers, where the British 
| government is also pushing its position for an Internet where access and use 
| is conditional on the operator's terms.      



Political Hypocrisy: French President Sued for Copyright Infringement

,----[ Quote ]
| This may very well become the most ironic stories of 2009 in the copyright
| debate. The CBC is reporting that French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been
| sued by an independent band for copyright infringement.


Is Nicholas Sarkozy One Strike Towards Losing His Internet Connection?

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| The latest is that French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, a big supporter of
| setting up a three strikes law in France, is being accused of violating
| copyright law himself.


France's anti-piracy fight 'too costly'

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| France's telcos are protesting the huge price of the Gallic government's
| anti-piracy crackdown.
| A draft law that goes before France's lower house, the National Assembly,
| next Wednesday requires local Internet service providers to contact
| onlinepirates by email and suspend repeat offenders' Internet connection.


Eircom to block Pirate Bay

,----[ Quote ]
| In a letter sent to ISPs across the country last week, the Irish Recorded
| Music Association (IRMA) disclosed the deal and warned others to follow suit
| or face legal action.


Irish ISP Eircom in 'three strike' filesharer crackdown

,----[ Quote ]
| Eircom had argued it was under no obligation to monitor the content of
| traffic over its network.
| The music labels originally wanted the court to order Eircom to install
| software from a US firm to detect copyrighted music files sent over its
| network. The ISP objected, saying the software could breach its customer's
| privacy.
| Instead, Eircom settled for the increasingly-familiar
| three-strikes "graduated response" program. The first time a subscriber's IP
| is detected infringing copyright, a warning is sent out. The second time, the
| subscriber is cautioned that they will be disconnected. Number three is the
| big disconnect.


ISP Capitulates to IFPI, Agrees to Disconnect Pirates

,----[ Quote ]
| Up until today, the ‘Big Four’ record labels were taking legal action against
| Ireland’s biggest ISP, Eircom, in order to force it to employ filtering
| technology to stop online pirates. The case has been aborted as Eircom, at
| the behest of the music industry, has agreed to start disconnecting those
| accused of illicit file-sharing.


French Net black-out against "graduated response"

,----[ Quote ]
| Opposing the stubborn and ridiculous will of the French governement to
| disconnect whole families from the Internet without real proof or trial, La
| Quadrature du Net issues a call to all freedom-cherishing citizens to
| a "black-out" of their sites, blogs, profiles, avatars,... As has been done
| in New Zealand, the only other country with France where the "graduated
| response" would have been imposed by law, and was finally pushed back: to
| protest against this stupid law and its "white list" of authorized websites,
| the French Web must act and dress in black.


Music industry's Irish ISP shakedown letter leaked

,----[ Quote ]
| An internet hosting company has published a copy of the nasty-gram Ireland's
| music industry lawyers bulk-mailed to that country's internet service
| providers, demanding they begin blocking access to any website accused of
| piracy or else.


Music Executive Ridiculed at Pirate Bay Trial

,----[ Quote ]
| Laughter filled The Pirate Bay trial here Wednesday when John Kennedy, the
| chief executive of the International Federation of Phonographic Industries,
| testified that people would have purchased every music track they got free
| file sharing.
| Kennedy answered an affirmative "Yes" to Pirate Bay defense attorneys when
| asked whether that was true. Bursting laughter could be heard from the audio
| room beside the courtroom where the trial's sound was being broadcast.


UK government stole website theme

,----[ Quote ]
| NUMBER 10, the UK Prime Minister's website, is apparently built using a
| design it nicked.

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