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[News] USPOS Office (PTO) Rethinks Its Patents, Offers Useless 'Reform'

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Aruba says another Motorola patent rejected by patent office

,----[ Quote ]
| Aruba Networks Inc., which is involved in a patent battle with two Motorola 
| Inc. units, says the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has kicked out one of  
| the patents under which it's being sued. 
| The patent office rejected all claims of Motorola's patent 7,173,923, the 
| Sunnyvale, California-based company said in a statement March 17. 


Sen. Hatch says U.S. patent bill will pass

,----[ Quote ]
| Senator Orrin Hatch, a leading proponent of a bill to overhaul the patent 
| process, predicted it will pass and contain language making it more difficult 
| to show misconduct in applying for patents.  
| The Senate version of the patent reform bill does not currently include 
| language making it harder to strip a patent holder of a patent if they erred 
| in the application process, known as "inequitable conduct" in the patent 
| world.   



Report calls for restructuring patent office

,----[ Quote ]
| The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office needs to be overhauled if it is to come
| to grips with rising backlogs and a perception of declining patent quality,
| according to a report the U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent to President-elect
| Barack Obama. The report available online calls for sweeping changes in the
| leadership and structure of the patent office


The Economic Impact of Software Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| The UK's Patent Office – which now goes by the awful name of UK Intellectual
| Property Office, which means it's really the UK Intellectual Monopolies
| Office – is a curious beast. On the one hand, as its name suggests, it's tied
| into one of the biggest confidence tricks around, dressing up conceptual
| mutton as intellectual lamb. On the other, there are odd outbreaks of sanity
| that suggest someone in there understands some of the deeper issues
| concerning software patents.
| [...]
| It's not coincidence that Microsoft still maintains that GNU/Linux infringes
| on some 200 of its sacred software patents – and yet is strangely coy about
| naming them, since it doesn't want its bluff called.

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