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[News] MSBBC Played with Windows and Got Burned

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BBC botnet 'public interest' defence rubbished by top IT lawyer

,----[ Quote ]
| The BBC's argument that "public interest" justified its purchase and use of a 
| botnet in a controversial experiment is little better than vigilantism,  
| according to a top IT lawyer. 


BBC's botnet broadcast backfires



BBC Botnet 'Reckless,' May Inspire Copycats.


Holes in the machine

,----[ Quote ]
| Conficker spreads through a security vulnerability in the Windows Server
| Service that allows a carefully written program to persuade the attacked
| computer to run malicious code instead of the Microsoft-written software.
| Once installed it turns off Windows Automatic Update and stops you using the
| Windows Security Centre. It disables a range of internal services that could
| be used by anti-malware programs, blocks access to a number of anti-virus
| websites and even resets and deletes system restore points so you can't go
| back to an uninfected installation of your operating system.


BBC Click paid cybercrooks to buy botnet

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC Click used the botnet of 22,000 machine to send spam to webmail addresses
| it established and launch a denial of service attack against a test website
| by security firm PrevX which advised on the investigation. It then changed
| the wallpaper on compromised machines with a message of its own, advising
| affected users to clean up.
| The BBC reckons its actions were legal, but specialist technology lawyers
| contacted by El Reg disagreed. Struan Robertson, editor of out-law.com and
| legal director at solicitors Pinsent Masons, said that the BBC's actions were
| likely to have breached the unlawful access provision of the Computer Misuse
| Act, the UK's anti-hacking law. He added that there was no public interest
| defense against CMA offences.


BBC zombie caper slammed by security pros

,----[ Quote ]
| A controversial BBC Click documentary which involved researchers obtaining
| access to a botnet and sending spam is due to screen this weekend despite a
| growing storm of criticism.
| Security experts - including McAfee, a firm whose representatives appear in
| the programme - have described the exercise as misguided and unnecessary.
| Legal experts contacted by El Reg reckon the show potentially breaches the
| unauthorised modifications provisions of the Computer Misuse Act, the UK's
| computer hacking law.


BBC programme broke law with botnets, says lawyer

,----[ Quote ]
| A BBC programme has broken the Computer Misuse Act by acquiring and using
| software to control 22,000 computers, creating a botnet capable of bringing
| down websites. A technology law specialist has said that the activity is
| illegal.


No Mac advice as BBC team exposes...its Windows-centricity (again)

,----[ Quote ]
| I don't want to address that here, but a different point: that nowhere in the
| article does the word “Windows” occur. And yet, I'd be willing to bet that
| none of those 22,000 machines ran GNU/Linux or Mac OS. Because the fact is,
| that the vast majority of machines on botnets are running Windows, and that
| this is yet another problem caused by the Microsoft monoculture.
| But nothing of this is mentioned in the BBC piece. Instead, it is presented
| as if botnets were some inevitable part of computing life – something you
| might get, just as you might catch a cold, because, hey, these things happen.


Microsoft courts partners but rejects revival of Kangaroo

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft says it has no plans to revive the Kangaroo online video joint
| venture planned by British broadcasters but blocked for being
| anticompetitive. It follows a report that Ashley Highfield, the former chief
| executive of the Kangaroo, now at Microsoft, was talking to broadcasters
| about possible partnerships. A joint venture between MSN and ITV would be an
| interesting option.


BBC recruits marketing chief from Microsoft


Microsoft executive Sharon Baylay joins BBC


BBC and Microsoft: Joined at the Hip?

,----[ Quote ]
| Why doesn't Microsoft just take over the BBC and be done with it?


Industry Moves: Microsoft Online Chief Baylay Joins BBC After Highfield’s

,----[ Quote ]
| There’s an irony in this latest turn of the revolving door between the two
| organisations - Baylay had been with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) when former
| BBC/Kangaroo online chief Ashley Highfield was in November announced as MD
| and VP of Microsoft’s online and consumer business; her division merged with
| another. It also follows the earlier appointments of Erik Huggers and Jon
| Billings to the BBC’s future media team from Microsoft in 2007.


Crimes Microsoft Gets Away With - So Far

,----[ Quote ]
| News publications are cautious about making accusations, and because of that,
| some nasty acts of Microsoft are essentially being erased from the record.
| [...]
| Microsoft convinced Baystar Capital to put $50 Million dollars into SCO's
| lawsuit against IBM and other Open Source users, and promised to "backstop"
| Baystar's investment if SCO lost money, according to this sworn testimony.
| But I'm told that one person's testimony, even sworn testimony, isn't proof.


EU accuses Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission has accused Microsoft of harming competition by
| bundling its Explorer web browser with its Windows operating system.
| The commission said it had reached the preliminary view that the US software
| giant had undermined consumer choice and infringed EU rules.
| Microsoft and the European Union have engaged in legal battles over
| competition issues for years.
| Last year, the EU fined Microsoft 899m euros ($1.4bn; £680.9m).



BBC pinches hot new columnist from Microsoft


Beeb slammed for 'fawning' to Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC viewers have flooded the corporation with complaints over how it
| covered the launch of Microsoft Vista earlier this week.
| In one cringingly servile interview worthy of Uriah Heep, the
| Beeb's news presenter Hugh Edwards even thanked Gates at the
| end of it, presumably in appreciation at being allowed to give
| the Vole vast coverage for free.
| In other TV news items presenters excitedly explained how Vista
| could be obtained and installed - details courtesy of the BBC's
| website.
| But British viewers, currently forced to pay a £131.50 licence
| fee to maintain the BBC's "impartiality", were less than impressed.
| Scores got in touch to complain that so much was Auntie up Bill's
| bum that you could barely see her corset.

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