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[News] Australian Authorities Quietly Shoots Wikileaks, Web Censorship Alive in the UK

  • Subject: [News] Australian Authorities Quietly Shoots Wikileaks, Web Censorship Alive in the UK
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:47:37 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Australia secretly censors Wikileaks press release and Danish Internet
censorship list, 16 Mar 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| The first rule of censorship is that you cannot talk about censorship.
| In late 2008, Wikileaks released the secret Internet censorship list for 
| Denmark, together with a press release condemning the practice for lack of 
| public or judicial oversight. Here's an extract from the press release:  
|     The list is generated without judicial or public oversight and is kept 
|     secret by the ISPs using it. Unaccountability is intrinsic to such a 
|     secret censorship system.   
|     Most sites on the list are still censored (i.e must be on the current 
|     list), even though many have clearly changed owners or were possibly even 
|     wrongly placed on the list, for example the Dutch transport company 
|     Vanbokhorst.    
|     The list has been leaked because cases such as Thailand and Finland 
|     demonstrate that once a secret censorship system is established for 
|     pornographic content the same system can rapidly expand to cover other 
|     material, including political material, at the worst possible moment -- 
|     when government needs reform.     
|     Two days ago Wikileaks released the secret Internet censorship list for 
|     Thailand. Of the 1,203 sites censored this year, all have the internally 
|     noted reason of "lese majeste" -- criticizing the Royal family. Like 
|     Denmark, the Thai censorship system was originally promoted as a 
|     mechanism to prevent the flow of child pornography.   


Home Office Utterly Clueless on Pornography

,----[ Quote ]
| Against the background of countries like Australia secretly blocking 
| Wikileaks, this use of unappointed censors that are never questioned or even 
| checked by any kind of review body is really getting dire. When will these 
| politicians come to their senses?   



China Congratulates EU on AT&T's Amendments Being Accepted to the Telecoms

,----[ Quote ]
| For example, Wikipedia has always been a source of headache for the Chinese
| government and the Copyright Enforcers alike. Entries such as Falun Gong, the
| IP filtering notes about AT&T, and AACS encryption key are very unfriendly to
| us, and therefore harm the society, since we represent the interest of the
| entire society. With these amendments, we can better prevent the spread of
| such harmful information to the society.


Aussie internet-net will be drawn wider

,----[ Quote ]
| The Australian government is already planning to block legal internet content
| when its "great firewall" eventually goes live. That is the fear expressed by
| some of the most trenchant critics of this scheme, including Senators Simon
| Birmingham (for the Liberal Party) and Scott Ludlam (for the Greens)
| following another shift in emphasis by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy
| in evidence to the Environment, Communications and the Arts committee on
| Monday.

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