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Re: [News] Linux Gets Bigger, But at the Same Time Faster

Ezekiel <there@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So what ever happened to the Reiser-FS? It was also fast and was the 
> standard file-system on several distros. When will the next version of 
> Reiser-FS get released?

Do you delight in people's suffering as a matter of habit?
Did you gloat when they arrested OJ cos you didn't support his team? And
then post gloaty messages to that team's website? (no idea who, couldn't
give a stuff. Only knew OJ from being dragged by bus through several states
in Naked Gun).
Did you point and laugh at all the people who lost relatives thanks to
harold shipman? "Haha! British old people died! Haha"?
Did someone you dislike work in the twin towers in 2001? So now you phone
their relatives making crashing noises at them?

You really are scum, y'know.
|   spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   |                                                 |
|   Andrew Halliwell BSc   | "The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
|            in            |  suck is probably the day they start making     |
|     Computer science     |  vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge            |

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