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[News] Free Software Sought for US Schools, CMSs Compared

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Open Source In Public K-12 Schools? 

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm a computer science major who has been recently getting involved in local 
| grassroots politics in my county and state. I've been discussing the idea 
| with some of my state legislatures of submitting a couple of resolutions, 
| opening up to the idea of switching to open source software in our state's 
| K-12 schools. I'm looking for more information/literature about this topic, 
| open source solutions in public K-12 education, pros and cons, studies that 
| prove or disprove many of the assumptions of open source and linux in public 
| schools.        


Open Source and usability: Joomla vs. WordPress

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the course of the last few years, I’ve been in charge of putting up a 
| number of websites for various companies, often as favors for friends. In 
| most cases, I’ve ended up using one out of two solutions: Joomla! and 
| WordPress. While both of these projects have evolved greatly over the last 
| few years, they are vastly different. Joomla! has always been intended as 
| a ‘fit-all-your-possible-needs’-kind of CMS solution, while WordPress was 
| developed as a blog with CMS capabilities. Recently WordPress has opened up 
| to allow its users to set up a site with static-only material (with the 
| option of a blog-page), without having to hack the code. Hence it’s one step 
| closer to being a direct competitor to Joomla!.          



Open source question for school

,----[ Quote ]
| Andrew Miller asks whether open source software can help schools use their
| budgets more efficiently
| Looking around the British Education Training and Technology show, BETT 2009,
| it was clear by the sheer size of the event, that an awful lot of money is
| being spent on technology in education.
| With Open Source Software (OSS) freely available, covering almost every
| requirement in the national curriculum, a question has to be asked why
| schools do not back it more fully, possibly saving millions of pounds.


Linux group to discuss free software in schools

,----[ Quote ]
| Kochi: The Indian Linux Users’ Group (ILUG), Kochi chapter, will discuss
| various aspects of free software education in schools in the State at its
| monthly meeting at the Internet Club in Broadway Enclave on Sunday.
| The thrust of the meeting will be to bridge the gap between the teaching
| community and the free software fraternity.


Macedonia and Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Two years later, in 2007, Macedonia became one of the few countries to roll
| out, en masse, Ubuntu throughout the educational system.

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