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[News] Interview with Co-Creator Of Mozilla Bespin, Firefox-Derived Browser (Flock 2.5) Reviewed

  • Subject: [News] Interview with Co-Creator Of Mozilla Bespin, Firefox-Derived Browser (Flock 2.5) Reviewed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 22:15:31 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Five Questions With Dion Almaer - Co-Creator Of Mozilla Bespin

,----[ Quote ]
| Dion Almaer is a name you will find 80,700 results for when searching on 
| Google, so it is clear that people know how Dion Almaer is however, let's 
| kick this interview of with, like the shower scene in a slasher movie, the 
| obligatory first question, who is Dion Almaer?   
| Haha, yeah, I guess people could find a lot about me if they wanted huh? :) I 
| am a Brit who moved to the US many moons ago and now live in the bay area, 
| California. Some may know my work at Ajaxian.com, which is a blog discussing 
| Ajax technology. I founded that blog with my partner in crime, Ben Galbraith, 
| and we recently had a chance to join forces at Mozilla to startup a new 
| Developer Tools Lab together. Bespin is the first experiment out from that 
| lab.      


Flock 2.5 Delivers the Promise of Social Media on the Web

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s been a long time in coming, but with the 2.5 release, the Flock folks 
| have pulled all of the pieces together to deliver a cohesive “Social Web 
| Browser.” The 2.5 release of Flock, coupled with the increasing mainstream 
| interest in social media, might just be enough to make Flock more than a 
| niche browser for Web 2.0 junkies.    



Mozilla asks developers to take Bespin for a spin

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has spun out Bespin for developers to run naked and free in an
| extensible web-based code editing paradise that promotes open relationships
| standards.
| The not-for-profit outfit said yesterday that the project, which has been
| under development for several months, would act as a collaborative working
| space for coders who use HTML5 features to fiddle with.


What Mozilla's Bespin Bespeaks

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the most interesting developments in the open source world is the way
| that Mozilla has changed in recent years. What started out as a (slightly
| shambolic) attempt to hack a decent browser out of the wreckage of the
| Netscape Communicator code, has turned into arguably one of the two or three
| most important forces in free software today (you can draw up your own list).
| [...]
| You can see that Bespin is ticking all the Mozilla boxes, but what's also
| striking is that this is a Web-based project: Mozilla is entering the cloud.


IDE in the cloud: Mozilla Labs' browser-based IDE prototype


Introducing Bespin

,----[ Quote ]
| As we strive to evolve the Open Web as a robust platform for application
| development, we believe in the potential for web-based code editors to
| increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and
| promote the use of open standards.


Last year:

Happy B’Day Mozilla

,----[ Quote ]
| MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (March 31, 1998) — Netscape Communications Corporation
| (NASDAQ:NSCP) today announced that the first developer release of its
| Communicator 5.0 source code is available for download from the mozilla.org
| Web site.    

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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