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Re: Malware Found On Brand-New Windows Netbook

On Tue, 26 May 2009 08:34:19 -0500, above the shrieking, FUDding & whining
of the trolls chrisv was heard to say:

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>Well, Nick, it is patently obvious that Microsoft has perverted an entire
>>market, and not just in an economic manner.
>>Microsoft has created a Bizarro world where "security is binary" and
>>"monopoly is normal".
> Well, in the M$ world, security "sucks".

With millions of Windows botnets, "M$" & "security" don't go in the same

A cracked pirated version of "Windows 7 RC" has already got 27,000 bots &

What's even funnier is that in October 2008, M$ patched a critical Windows
Windwoes bug with an emergency fix. But it made things worse, a this was
then used to build a *new* botnet!  

Surely you are not comparing the 
non-existent Linux (at that time) 
with Windows  98?                                  
Hadron:  Message-ID: <npk5rvzafy.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Linux as a desktop OS is pretty much doomed it would appear. 
Too little too late. 
Hadron: Message-ID: <fnd3jj$or8$2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Google Earth on Linux runs through its own Wine installer. Unless they
have gone "native"
Hadron:  Message-ID:  <gu1v6l$dmo$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Getting high performance Video cards working is a damn sight 
easier on XP because the installers are better.
Debian/Ubuntu are a pain in the hole  - you need to recompile the latest
NVidia drivers using a set version of the compiler, for example, when
changing kernels.
Hadron: Message-ID:   <c9rks4-gc7.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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