Sorry worthless troll - Ad Hominem (HPT's coach) wearing his
wooden high heels wrote:
> "High Plains Thumper" schreef...
>> [quote]
>> Competition Killer: European Commission Documents 20 Years
>> of Microsoft Anticompetitive Behavior
>> Apr 24, 2009
>> The Groklaw legal forum has provided a document under
>> European Commission sponsorship that demonstrates
>> Microsoft's anticompetitive behavior during the last 20
>> years.
>> The European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS),
>> part of the European Commission, has compiled a detailed
>> report claiming Microsoft's monopolistic and unlawful
>> conduct. In its introduction the paper explains, "For more
>> than two decades, Microsoft has engaged in a carefully
>> designed and extremely successful campaign to protect and
>> extend its monopolies. Microsoft has repeatedly made market
>> allocation proposals to its competitors and has used a broad
>> range of other anticompetitive and unlawful tactics to
>> eliminate potential rivals, including tying, predatory
>> product design, and intentional deception." Among the
>> paper's topics are Microsoft’s "Campaign of Patent FUD
>> against Linux and Open Source
>> Software," its manipulation of votes for ISO certification
>> of its OOXML standard, its ongoing campaigns to destroy
>> DR-DOS, discriminate against IBM and boycott Intel, and
>> attempts to eliminate Netscape and WordPerfect. [/quote]
>> or
> <Snipped off topic drivel> [ignored] Hi Wendy, your back.
> Weekend leave for outpatients from the mental asylum, I bet?
I see this troll misses me, calls posting anti-Linux monopoly
maintenance acts by a manufacturer of software as off-topic, when
its drivel is ad hominem and off topic. Sad. In light of
trolling up because it is the Eve of Windows 7, these type
anti-Linux agendas smack of:
'Use ... the Internet, etc. to heighten the impression that the
enemy is desperate, demoralized, defeated, ... associated with
mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter
Bunny". Just keep rubbing it in, via the ... newsgroups, ... make
the complete failure of the competition's technology part of the
mythology of the computer industry.'
(Comes vs Microsoft lawsuit, Microsoft Evangelism document, PDF
pages 45 & 55 on )