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[News] Interview with President of OSI, Michael Tiemann

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Leading Voices - Michael Tiemann, Vice President of Open Source Affairs at Red

,----[ Quote ]
| This is Michael Tiemann, I am President of the Open Source Initiative and 
| Vice President of Open Source Affairs at Red Hat. 
| The IT industry is headed for its own crisis, with plenty of red flags 
| visible if you bother to look, as well as a clear and simple plan to avert 
| the hard landing. But, in an industry famously long on ego and short on 
| humility, can we really hope for a change before these CEOs destroy their 
| companies and the assets of their customers?     
| [...]
| The greatest objection raised by software industry participants about Open 
| Source software is that if users are free to read, modify, and share 
| software, then it's not possible to extract monopoly rents. Based on what we 
| have seen from the monopoly these past 10 years, I'm not really sure that is 
| such a problem.     



Michael Tiemann - Subject: Torvald's is not the guy to follow here...

,----[ Quote ]
| In my opinion, anything that Microsoft does that falls short of the published 
| open source minimums is...sub-minimal. Torvalds is happy because his 
| standards are lower--he cares more about himself than his community. But 
| other people have higher standards--we also care about the community at least 
| as much as we care for ourselves.    


Michael Tiemann: Many Eyes Make All Bugs Shallow!

,----[ Quote ]
| Michael Tiemann is the brain behind Cygnus, the first company to offer 
| support to Linux and other assorted free software programmes. He is now 
| involved in open source ‘affairs’ at the OSI. We discuss the past, present 
| and the future with Tiemann in this exclusive interview.   


Microsoft not so 'open' after all?

,----[ Quote ]
| Head of open-source group says more than half of licenses don't pass muster
| [...]
| Michael Tiemann, president of the non-profit Open Source Initiative, said 
| that provisions in three out of five of Microsoft's shared-source licenses  
| that restrict source code to running only on the Windows operating system 
| would contravene a fundamental tenet of open-source licenses as laid out by 
| the OSI. By those rules, code must be free for anyone to view, use, modify as 
| they see fit.    
| [...]
| By his count, the OSI has rejected "two dozen" or so license applications for 
| language that restricted the use or redistribution of software and its source 
| code, even when the restrictions were written with what Tiemann 
| called "moral" intent. For instance, the OSI has rejected license 
| applications from Quakers and other pacifists who sought to prevent the use 
| of software for weapons such as landmines.     
| "I am highly sympathetic to that point of view," he said. "But the OSI is not 
| in the business of legislating moral use. We allow all use, commercial or 
| non-commercial, mortal or medical."   

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