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[News] Most Popular Mobile Browser Targets Linux?

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Access's NetFront claims top mobile browser spot

,----[ Quote ]
| Access is also the company that bought PalmSource and the old Palm OS - 
| subsequently renamed Garnet - in 2005. The firm is currently working on its 
| Garnet-based Access Linux Platform, which has thus far failed to find any 
| takers in the handset manufacturing industry. The inclusion of Access Linux 
| Platform mini - a cut-down version of the open source platform - in a 
| portable navigation device was however announced earlier this month.     



Android to take Linux mainstream

,----[ Quote ]
| Calvin Huang, an analyst at Daiwa Securities, told ZDNet Asia in an
| interview, Android is poised to "kill Microsoft" on several fronts: a big
| vendor-backed OS will likely provide better hardware support, and open source
| Android's license is free.


Calling the death of Windows Mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| Fabrizio Capobianco, CEO of open-source mobile leader Funambol, has more or
| less declared that Windows Mobile is dying. Indeed, it's arguably the case
| that the proprietary software model, generally, is largely dead in mobile.


Is it time to ditch Windows Mobile?

,----[ Quote ]
| The biggest problem for Windows Mobile has always been that it's bloated and
| runs too slowly. It's just a beat or two (well, maybe more) behind the iPhone
| OS in terms of zippiness and it probably doesn't help that HTC throws its own
| carrier-centric, custom user interface on top of the OS.


Can Microsoft make its future mobile?

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple is minting it with its sleek but expensive iPhone. And only a few
| months ago internet search giant Google entered the field with its
| Linux-based Android software, designed to power internet-savvy mobile phones.
| [...]
| But the real Achilles heel of Microsoft's devices was their abysmal user
| interface - firmly wedded to the look and feel of old-fashioned computer
| desktops, a concept that doesn't work on small screens.


Does Microsoft prefer the iPhone to Windows Mobile?

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| Who would have thunked it, not only has Microsoft released a dedicated iPhone
| application but it has not yet developed a version for the Windows Mobile
| platform.


Windows Mobile: What Microsoft Needs to Fix

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| The threats don't end there. While Windows Mobile shipments continue to grow,
| its share could slip if, as expected, Apple begins to sell its iPhone through
| Wal-Mart (WMT), the world's largest retailer. And T-Mobile G1, a phone based
| on Android, an operating system backed by Google (GOOG), has met with popular
| demand


Microsoft's mobile strategy has gone missing

,----[ Quote ]
| Against this background, Microsoft's continued tardiness in developing its
| own mobile strategy gets more worrying. At the company's Professional
| Developers Conference recently, Windows Mobile was notable by its absence —
| and not for the first time. No clear guidance has been given for the next
| major revision of the software, and the trends are not good. It is now
| commonplace for flagship Windows Mobile handsets to come with a non-Microsoft
| web browser — a sign that something is badly broken.


Microsoft falls behind in mobiles

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer - in Sydney the other day for a
| software developers conference - was quick to pour scorn on Google's new
| Android mobile phone system when he turned up at a Telstra investor briefing.


Windows Mobile - Like Being Dropped in a Toilet

,----[ Quote ]
| But it wasn't until the gal was dumped into the soup that I noticed the
| Windows Mobile ad. Because Microsoft, having failed to win hearts and minds
| with the drug-induced Seinfeld episodes (they were way too long to be mere
| commercials), figured that the next best thing was to buy ad space on the rim
| of something that reminds you of a potty. Stay classy, Microsoft!


iPhone 2.x Beats Windows Mobile 6.x into Coma

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Mobile's star is rapidly falling. Coming into 2008, RIM pushed
| Microsoft out of second place for smart phone operating systems, according to
| Gartner. Apple has surely knocked Microsoft into fourth place. The question:
| Is it fourth behind RIM or Apple? That depends on whether Apple snatched
| second place from RIM.


Why Windows Mobile will die.

,----[ Quote ]
| So it's my job to tell you, then, that Windows Mobile is probably
| doomed.


Why Windows Mobile Is In Trouble

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| Recently it was revealed that the newest version of Microsoft’s mobile
| operating system, Windows Mobile 7.0, would be delayed until as late as 2010.
| The updated version, which the company’s partners had reportedly been hoping
| to have by early 2009, was aimed at giving Microsoft a bigger presence on the
| mobile stage. But delay or no delay, I don’t think it would have been enough.
| With competition from a resurgent BlackBerry platform from Research in
| Motion, Apple’s iPhone and most importantly, the Google Phone platform (I
| will analyze Nokia’s Symbian platform in a separate post at a later date),
| Microsoft’s mobile platform is facing its toughest environment yet.
| [...]
| Sometime later this month, the G-1 will go on sale and people (at least those
| in the U.S.) will be able to experience the difference between a Windows
| Mobile- and an Android-based phone for themselves. Of course, some will find
| the shortcomings of the Google Phone — and according to Mossberg, there are
| many — grating. Others, like me, will be suitably impressed. And if they’re
| impressed enough, most handset makers will want to join the party.


Windows Mobile misses annual shipment target

,----[ Quote ]
| Lees, a veteran Microsoft executive who moved from the Server & Tools unit in
| February, attributed the lower-than-projected Windows Mobile sales to some
| devices coming to market slightly later than previously expected. He declined
| to say which ones.



Microsoft Hides Its Mobile and Business Apps Divisions

,----[ Quote ]
| The company is folding its two worst-performing divisions -- Microsoft
| Business Solutions (its business applications unit) and its Mobile and
| Embedded units -- into the Microsoft Business Division and Microsoft Home
| and Entertainment units, respectively.


Cryptome: NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones

,----[ Quote ]
| First time in history Cryptome.org has released information about the
| characteristics of NSA’s network surveillance.

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