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[News] More Proof (and Admission) That Patents Are Inherently Unethical

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Swine Flu Not an Accident From a Lab, W.H.O. Says

,----[ Quote ]
| As for the use of oseltamivir, the generic form of Tamiflu, the W.H.O. has 
| certified only one drug — Antiflu, made by the Indian company Cipla in both 
| pill and liquid forms — as equivalent to brand-name Tamiflu.  
| [...]
| The move could prompt patent lawsuits by Gilead and Roche, which developed 
| and sell Tamiflu, so Cipla will sell only to countries indemnifying them 
| against such suits, the company said.  


Experts Aim To Balance Intellectual Property Rights And Human Rights 

,----[ Quote ]
| The United Nations human rights framework is being brought to bear on 
| intellectual property law, in the hopes that the weight of expert voices in 
| human rights can lead IP regimes toward a better balance between the needs of 
| industry and the needs of public policy.   
| The Working Group on the Right to Development, an intergovernmental political 
| body, in August 2008 took on the task of examining two intellectual 
| property-related development partnerships that could influence the work of 
| policymakers in at least two UN institutions.   



Ethics @ Work: Are property rights in ideas unethical?

,----[ Quote ]
| Business ethics usually have little to do with ethics. In most practical 
| cases the ethical value is agreed upon, and the ethics professional is 
| charged with making sure they are reflected in practice. However, 
| occasionally we are privileged to encounter a truly innovative ethical 
| doctrine that seeks to challenge existing paradigms. A fascinating example is 
| the "free content" movement, often identified with programming pioneer 
| Richard Stallman who leads the related "free software movement."       

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