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[News] More Proof That TPB Judge Was Considerably Biased

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Another Scandal Surrounds Pirate Bay Judge

,----[ Quote ]
| Pirate Bay judge Tomas Norström’s objectivity has already been called into 
| doubt because of his ties to national and international pro-copyright lobby 
| groups. Now, one of the defense lawyers says he has uncovered another scandal 
| and claims to have evidence that Norström wasn’t assigned to the case 
| randomly, as should be the case according to court procedure.    



Pirate Party 3rd Largest Political Party in Sweden

,----[ Quote ]
| Support for the Swedish Pirate Party surged following the Pirate Bay verdict
| and today it became the third largest political party in the country. When
| they are elected for the European Parliament next month, the party hopes to
| end the abuse of copyright by multi-billion dollar corporations.


Pirate Bay Verdict May Actually Lead To Pirate Party Official Joining European

,----[ Quote ]
| While the entertainment industry still really seems to think that the
| disputed verdict in the Pirate Bay trial was a victory, most folks who can
| look beyond the immediate ruling have recognized what a horrific loss this
| has been for the industry. On the technology side, it's done nothing of
| importance.


Stardock CEO: Focus On Your Customers; Don't Worry About Pirates

,----[ Quote ]
| You can waste an awful lot of energy and resources "fighting pirates" and
| losing, or you can focus on actually serving your customers and making money.
| Which seems more intelligent?


French film-makers and science fiction writers protest new anti-P2P law


Google Blocking Torrent Searches

,----[ Quote ]
| Google is blocking searches originating from torrent sites using Google
| Custom Search to find .torrent files, according to TorrentFreak.com, a move
| the founder of the site calls “censorship.”


Poll: Swedish pro file-sharing party gains support

,----[ Quote ]
| A new poll shows a Swedish party that calls for legalizing Internet
| file-sharing could win a seat in the European Parliament in June.
| The poll published Thursday in the Stockholm newspaper Dagens Nyheter shows
| the Pirate Party's backing has surged after a court verdict against The
| Pirate Bay file-sharing site. Four men behind The Pirate Bay were convicted
| this month of copyright violations and sentenced to a year in prison.


Swedish Pirate Party Heading for EU Parliament

,----[ Quote ]
| A poll carried out by a major Swedish newspaper predicts that the Pirate
| Party will grab around 5.1% of the votes in the upcoming European Union
| elections. This means that the movement, which has gathered huge momentum due
| to the Pirate Bay ‘guilty’ verdict, will get a seat in the EU Parliament.


Pirate Bay IP Addresses Assigned to Prosecution Lawyers

,----[ Quote ]
| The Pirate Bay recently got a new range of IPs and to everyone’s surprise
| they are now linked to several movie and music industry lawyers involved in
| the TPB trial. According to the Pirate Bay’s Wikipedia entry the change was
| due to a hostile takeover, but most people know better.


Rapidshare Shares Uploader Info with Rights Holders

,----[ Quote ]
| In Germany, the file-hosting service Rapidshare has handed over the personal
| details of alleged copyright infringers to several major record labels. The
| information is used to pursue legal action against the Rapidshare users and
| at least one alleged uploader saw his house raided.

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