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[News] Microsoft et al Let Go off Pseudo Journalists

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Turnover on the tech beat

,----[ Quote ]
| Thursday, Joe Wilcox announced his departure from Microsoft Watch, which he 
| took over in 2006 following Mary Jo Foley's departure. He doesn't go into 
| detail but writes that he's joining "the swelling ranks of journalists 
| smitten by the economic crisis and by changes the Internet is forcing on my 
| profession." I'll miss Joe's reporting on the site, and it will be 
| interesting to see what eWeek does with it.     
| Another recently departed Microsoft beat reporter is Ben Romano, who left the 
| Seattle Times to become U.S. correspondent for Recharge, a trade journal 
| covering renewable energy. He has been replaced by Sharon Chan, a veteran of 
| the Seattle newspaper.   


Goodbye Mr Wilcox

,----[ Quote ]
| This is one of the posts Ive written on OpenBytes where Im genuinely 
| saddened.  Today (highlighted by Roy from Boycott Novell) marked the end of 
| Joe Wilcox on Eweek.   



Microsoft layoff buzz intensifies

,----[ Quote ]
| We received a tip last week, from a usually reliable person, that Microsoft
| would be making more job cuts this week. The company so far isn't commenting,
| and we haven't been able to get confirmation elsewhere. But independent of
| our inquiries, the online buzz increased over the weekend to the point that
| Microsoft employees will no doubt be a little nervous when they check their
| email tomorrow morning.
| "Rumors of more Microsoft layoffs being announced on May 5th," wrote former
| Microsoftie Jeff Erwin in one of several posts on the subject by people on
| Twitter and elsewhere. "Lots of panic in the employee base."

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