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Re: [News] Confirmed: Microsoft Bribes OEM to Fight GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Thursday 30 April 2009 23:06 : \____
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Will Microsoft blow its netbook lead with Windows 7 crippleware?
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| So, reluctantly, Microsoft gave Windows XP Home a new lease on life and
>>>| sold it below cost to OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to kill the
>>>| Linux desktop at the root.
>>> `----
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/will_microsoft_blow_its_netbook_lead_with_windows_7_crippleware
>> So much Microsoft asstroturfing in the comments!
> So he's on the right topic!

Not necessarily, Roy.  This kind of stuff is so rampant that it may only
indicate just how low the level of discourse has fallen on the Web.

But yeah, there are a lot of (mostly self-appointed?) Microsoft

Q:	What is the difference between Texas and yogurt?
A:	Yogurt has culture.

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