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Re: [News] A Look at Important Development in Linux Kernel Space

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____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Sunday 02 August 2009 22:57 : \____

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>> Why writing a Windows compatible file server is (still) hard
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| I went into one of my colleague's office and kicked the hell out of one of
>>| the much loved Google beanbags, all the while screaming obscenities into
>>| the air for a good five minutes. He looked on with bemused amusement. I
>>| finally calmed down enough to explain the problem. One packet being
>>| returned at the wrong time. One single mis-timed packet caused a ripple
>>| effect in the Windows client file system software that was seen all the way
>>| up in the complex user interface of only that particular version of Excel,
>>| when interacting with the ???Offline Files??? feature, only on Windows
>>| Vista.
>>| The remaining task was to add a regression test into our test suite, so
>>| that this specific bug is tested for before we release any new versions of
>>| Samba. The code isn't done until it's properly tested. But at least the
>>| user is now happy.
>>| Interoperability with Windows is hard. But somebody has to do it. And if
>>| you're going to do something, you might as well try and do it well (and try
>>| and have some fun at the same time) :-) .
>> `----
>> http://tuxdeluxe.org/node/298
> According to "Hadron", Jeremy Allison would be a "freetard", because he
> spends all day working on Windows.
>       :-D

It's probably a case of projection.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

"The biggest crime of all that [Microsofhttp://Schestowitz.com  | Mandriva
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