Homer wrote:
> Don Zeigler spake:
>> It seems like they would killfile someone who seems to make
>> them so angry and distressed. Instead, they keep on reading
>> his posts and bitching about them.
>> Why, trolls?
> Because he's the most prolific poster of good news about
> GNU/Linux, and bad news about Microsoft, and therefore marked
> as a high priority target by Microsoft's guerilla marketing
> terrorists.
Actually, they attack anyone who posts positively for Linux or
negatively for Windows, anything to disrupt any positive
developing posts. Although a few of the trolls claim non-US
origin, I believe they are US connected and that posts occur on
US soil, but done through proxy servers to give the appearance of
posts from other countries.
Likelihood of getting prosecuted on US soil rather than "foreign"
is less likely.
Statements as such, accusations of homosexual behaviour for
embracing Linux, posting of personal information without the
individual's consent, could be prosecutable by the laws of
various countries. However, they fear not doing it, thinking
they are untouchable.
I am just waiting for one of them to encounter the wrong party
who happens to have the money and time or government backing to
pursue these astroturfing stains in the otherwise Linux
upstanding community.