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Re: [News] [Rival] Massive Vista 7 Bug (RTM) Could Delay Production?

Goblin wrote:
7 wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Windows 7 RTM contains a rather nasty chkdsk bug

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows 7 RTM, which will be distributed to MSDN/TechNet and technical
| beta testers tomorrow, contains a nasty memory leak when the chkdsk
| command is initiated.

You coudn't make this stuff up!

RTM? Surely it is RFD - Released For Distribution as it contains a lot
of GPL'd software that has been code washed?

The stuff that is non-GPL is included and are all the things that fail like

| Some are calling the bug a "show stopper", whilst others (Randall
| Kennedy) claim it could derail the Windows 7 launch. It's worth noting
| that Kennedy claimed in November 2008 that Microsoft had delayed the
| Windows 7 beta to early 2009, even though company officials always
| stated this was the case. In other words, take his words with a pinch of
| salt.


Having read about the bug, does it matter if Microsoft are able to fix it without intteruption to the release?

I think the real damage is that IMO you have many users made suspicious by Vista and with news like this (even if it turns out to be minor/non existant) is the last thing Microsoft need to convince the world "it is better this time"

I think if Windows 7 releases with similar news to Vista then it will be the final nail in the coffin for the platform.

Maybe Microsoft should buy a few top spec PC's fully test them with Vista 7 and then conduct another Mojave.....yep that will work....it did with Vista..?!?!? that really convinced the public they had it all wrong.

I am not sure how this bug was detected....chkdsk gorging on large amounts of ram? Sounds like Windows is working as it should....;) I am surprised anyone noticed.

One thing we can be thankful for, if this type of bug is going to be par for the course for Windows 7 users, expect the price of ram to come down to meet the demand....thats got to be good news for every user.

Of course a Linux Distro never gets released with a bug, does it? Yep, if Linux is released with another bug it will be doomed just like Windows. Funny thing is this Windows 7 bug was discovered over three months before the public retail release, think it might be fixed with the first update long before it hits retail shelves?

This grasping at straws seems pretty desperate.

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