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[News] Natural Born Killers Trained at... Bill Gates Senior's

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Pittsburgh Gunman Worked IT At Gates Firm 

,----[ Quote ]
| The gunman who killed three women and himself at a Pittsburgh-area fitness 
| studio Tuesday was an IT systems analyst at a law firm that can trace its 
| roots to the father of Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, according to the man's 
| profiles on social networking sites and other Internet records.    


They also made the Abramoff gangster.


Intel & Microsoft Killed the $100 Laptop

,----[ Quote ]
| The article points that the stand taken by Intel and Microsoft is similar to
| the stand by large drug companies who, instead of working for the illnesses
| that plague the poor, (such as malaria) choose to focus on low-volume,
| high-margin drugs for cancer, heart ailments and diabetes.



Study: There Is No Shortage of U.S. Engineers

,----[ Quote ]
| ...a new study from Duke University calls this argument bunk, stating
| that there is no shortage of engineers in the United States, and
| that offshoring is all about cost savings.


Is There a Shortage of U.S. Tech Workers?

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking before a Senate committee earlier this month, Gates said
| that America is facing a critical shortage of tech workers. He
| recommended boosting the number of H-1B visas to allow more foreign
| tech workers into the U.S.
| [...]
| "I think that has created an environment where the population of advanced 
| skill workers has shrunk a lot in the U.S., because we just haven't created 
| a fair system," he says. "Where if you go to other countries, you'll find 
| national policy around broadband deployment, which creates a much more even 
| playing field for people of all income levels to learn by and work by."
| "We did it to ourselves," he says.

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