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[News] Mono, Novell, and Convicted Monopoly Abuser Revisited

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What the fucking fuck, Novell, Gnome and Ubuntu?



,----[ Quote ]
| The classical policy of âXimianâ is that they show a proof of concept, 
| inspire the community, and then walk away. Library infection is the way to 
| guarantee that others have to fix your immature software because they depend 
| on it. Gnome is a dependency hell.   
| Novell bought Ximian, put their management in charge and then bought the KDE 
| reference distribution SuSe and standardised it on Gnome regardless of what 
| the customers wanted. Also think of the RedCarpet debacle.  
| When you play âevilâ or simply âagainst the rulesâ of community conduct 
| people will freak and prepare their knives. Intercultural problems are at the 
| core of so many conflict lines. The âflowâ is acceptable behaviour. If you 
| distort it and manipulate people, there will be a slashback for you, a 
| slashback that may even appear absolutely unreasonable.    
| As of Mono it was clear to us that we have to take care of the patents but 
| Novell denied the problem. Suse always supported the fight against software 
| patenting. What we need is to come up with are strategies to follow Ulyx when 
| you cross the sirens. We need a rope and wax. No, the GPLv3 is not the 
| solution. Maybe we need more of this http://www.patentcommons.org/    
| We need these committments to protect the developer community.


Debian plans draw sharp warning from GNU guru

,----[ Quote ]
| As the Debian project releases a second update of its Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
| ("Lenny") distribution, a controversy has broken out over the next
| version, "Squeeze." GNU guru Richard Stallman has warned that by including a
| Mono-based note-taking application called Tomboy, Debian runs the risk of
| Microsoft litigation over C# patents.


Pro-mono Zealotry

,----[ Quote ]
| What this does illustrate, I think, is something that is already obvious to
| anyone that has been following the Mono controversy: there are people that
| are just as âextremeâ and unwilling to listen to reason as the most zealoty
| charactertures painted by the Broad Brush of the Most High and (Self)
| Righteous Community Gatekeepers.
| You can spot these people by the mindless regurgitation of other peopleâs
| talking points and the inability to make even the slightest concession to any
| opposing argument; the gleeful participation in any manner of attack or
| disinformation; the uncritical embrace of Âanyone or anything that supports
| thier position. A sure sign is charging the opposition with the very crimes
| they themselves are in the act of commiting.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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