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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Penalised $300,000,000, ODF Unaffected by XML Suit

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Judge orders Microsoft to pay $300M in Word patent case


Patent Woes: Speechless about the Word judgment

,----[ Quote ]
| So, is someone playing tit-for-tat or an-eye-for-an-eye? Mahatma Gandhi 
| said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." In the weird, 
| wonderful world of digital technology where greedy corporations can convert 
| standards (that should rightfully belong in the commons) into private 
| property, anything can happen.    


ODF Not Implicated In i4i Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| That contradicts assertions by Burton Group analyst Guy Creese, who told 
| Visual Studio Magazine that the patent could spell trouble for the next 
| version of ODF because âODF 1.2 will move to a similar custom schema that 
| OOXML has.â   
| Likewise, Gartner analyst Brian Prentice told CNET that the fallout from the 
| lawsuit may âalso impact ODF.â 


Burton and Gartner are both corrupted analysts which are paid by Microsoft to
attack Linux, FOSS, ODF, etc.

Burton was given jobs and contracts for attacking ODF, for example.


Court Bans Microsoft From Selling Word

,----[ Quote ]
| In the latest apparent case of the U.S. patent system run amok, Judge Leonard
| Davis of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a
| permanent injunction on Tuesday preventing Microsoft from selling versions of
| Word that handle custom XML in the form of the .DOCX, .DOCM, and .XML file
| formats. Which would mean that Microsoft is now forbidden from selling Word
| 2003 or Word 2007. And since it also forbids Microsoft from testing such
| versions of Word, there would seem to be implications for Office 2010 as
| well.


Softpatent trolls OOXML and Word

,----[ Quote ]
| We may add that while Microsoft always pays lip service to patent reform and
| patent quality, it effectively obstructed even moderate steps of pragmatic
| reform in the field of software patenting with massive lobbying investment
| and an ideological agenda. An ideological motivation you don't find among all
| the other players which have a real business. The massive lobbying also
| applies to colonial attitudes towards patent regimes of third nations in
| which the American company operates, or the European Union, our main area of
| operations as the FFII e.V. Ironically Microsoft itself is a favourite target
| of troll challenges and no one knows how much profits Marshall Phelps
| actually generates by selling their Microsoft FAT patents. In the spectacular
| case of TomTom we were told it was a very small amount. Some American critics
| as Brian Kahin speak of a patent bubble of low value patents but how is it
| going to burst? When you have a licensing business a good patent is one that
| hurts. Maybe the Encyclopedia Brittannica is an example, it failed
| commercially and now became an (unsuccesful) patent enforcement agency
| against actual market players.
| In the recent referral G03/08 about software patentability an European Patent
| Office case named T 424/03 (Microsoft) was center to the debate. Find the
| Amicus letters here. Currently you also have a pending referral on Bilski in
| the US Supreme Court which is more far reaching than software. In the US many
| examination tests were dismantled such as the machine or transformation box
| test which opened the flood gates and unbalanced the system. It was
| reintroduced under the Bilski ruling but appealed at the supreme court. The
| Bilski test does not rule out software or business method patents but
| provides means to reduce the pressure within the examination system in later
| stages.
| First you wreck the law, then the trolls wreck you.
| [...]
| Right now ISO/IEC 29500 ("OOXML") is patent encumbered and cannot be called
| an "open standard" according to conventional definitions and looks unusable
| for the public sector.


Last year:

Is Microsoft Now Banned from EU Contracts?


Euro MP thinks Microsoft should be banned from government contracts


Green MEP says Microsoft should be excluded from EU contract awarding procedure

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