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[News] EU Commission Takes a Good Look at What Goes on at EPO

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EU Commission Sponsoring Study On The Quality Of The Patent System In Europe

,----[ Quote ]
| In political terms, this move of the EU Commission might indicate that they 
| do want to have a take of their own on the topic of patent quality: Despite 
| the fact that the European Patent Office (EPO) is working since many years on 
| this aspect on their business, the EU Commission has decided to spend some 
| money in order to obtain something like a second opinion independently from 
| EPO.     


"The European Patent Office is a Corrupt, Malicious Organisation Which Should
Not Exist"

                        --Richard Stallman

âStaff at the European Patent Office went on strike accusing the organization
of corruption: specifically, stretching the standards for patents in order to
make more money.

âOne of the ways that the EPO has done this is by issuing software patents in
defiance of the treaty that set it up.â

                        --Richard Stallman


E-Learning on Software Patents at the EPO

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Patent Office (EPO) does not grant patents for computer programs
| ("software patents") or computer-implemented business methods that make no
| such technical contribution. In this respect the granting practice of the EPO
| differs significantly from that of the United States Patent and Trademark
| Office (USPTO). [IPKat comment: Although, after Bilski, it appears that the
| USPTO is now even more strict than the EPO]

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