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[News] CentOS Releases Newsletter for This Month (Back to Work)

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CentOS Pulse #0904 - 16 August 2009

,----[ Quote ]
|    1. Foreword
|    2. Announcements
|          1. Kernel NULL pointer vulnerability
|    3. RPM packaging best practices
|    4. Tip Of The Newsletter
|    5. Interview
|    6. Jokes and Funny Stuff
|          1. And what do you do?
|          2. CentOS at LinuxTag from the view of a Debian devloper
|    7. CentOS Errata
|          1. CentOS 3
|          2. CentOS 4
|          3. CentOS 5
|    8. CentOS in the Spotlight
|    9. Upcoming Events
|   10. Contributing to this newsletter



CentOS head reappears, project back on track

,----[ Quote ]
| The leader of the CentOS GNU/Linux project, Lance Davis, who had gone missing
| for a while and caused other developers on the team some angst, has
| reappeared and held a meeting with them, according to a notice on the project
| website.


CentOS 5.3 released

,----[ Quote ]
| The CentOS developers have released version 5.3 for i386 and x86-64
| architectures. CentOS 5.3 is a free Linux distribution based on the source of
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (RHEL). The 5.3 release includes several changes
| over version 5.2 including both new and updated packages based on RHEL 5.3
| and custom changes by the CentOS developers.


CentOS 5.3 Is Here, Based on RHEL 5.3

,----[ Quote ]
| The CentOS development team, through Karanbir Singh, announced last evening
| (March 31st) the immediate release of the CentOS 5.3 Linux distribution. Just
| like Scientific Linux 5.3, the third maintenance release of CentOS 5 is based
| on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 operating system.
| Whatâs new in CentOS 5.3? Well, first of all the software repositories were
| combined into a single one, which will make it easier for the end-user to
| update or install packages. Moreover, a new option has been added in the
| installer, to allow them to add third-party software repositories.


CentOS 5.2: Send in the Clones

,----[ Quote ]
| If I were in the mood to use an RPM-based distribution, CentOS would be my
| first and probably only choice. It's not as pretty as openSuSE or even its
| cousin Fedora, but it's more stable than both on my setup. Stability wins out
| over eye-candy any day.
| CentOS is one of the few distributions that (perhaps due to its emphasis on
| small, incremental changes) manages to pull consistently high marks even from
| me. This release is no exception.


CentOS 5.2 released

,----[ Quote ]
| After the usual few weeks delay following the release of Red Hat Enterprise
| 5.2, the CentOS project has released its Red Hat clone â CentOS version 5.2. Â


Centos 5.1 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| CentOS stands for Community ENTerprise Operating System. As a group, CentOS
| is a community of open source contributors and users. Typical CentOS users
| are organizations and individuals that do not need strong commercial support
| in order to achieve successful operation. CentOS is 100% compatible rebuild
| of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's
| redistribution requirements. CentOS is for people who need an enterprise
| class operating system stability without the cost of certification and
| support. CentOS is currently ranked #12 at distrowatch   Â


CentOS 5 as a Desktop System

,----[ Quote ]
| CentOS 5 is a stable system which can be user either as a server OS or
| as a desktop system for a normal user. The latter requires a few
| modifications in the default installation (like the performance
| fixes mentioned in the article), but after the tweaking is done,
| it works great and is worth recommending.


Dollars and CentOS 4.5: Updating Up2date

,----[ Quote ]
| I continue to be impressed with the way CentOS/Red Hat is laid out. There are
| tons of management tools, and mousing over just about anything on the screen
| causes small "help" boxes to open up. Nice touch. Â


Is CentOS 5.0 Worth Every Penny?

,----[ Quote ]
| CentOS is a Linux distribution based on the ever reliable Red Hat Enterprise
| Linux (RHEL). The name stands for Community ENTerprise Operating System and
| is not related to a coin. Â


Dollars and CentOS 4.5: Updating Up2date

,----[ Quote ]
| I continue to be impressed with the way CentOS/Red Hat is laid out. There are
| tons of management tools, and mousing over just about anything on the screen
| causes small "help" boxes to open up. Nice touch. Â


Review: CentOS 5

,----[ Quote ]
| CentOS 5.0 gets high marks from me for a lot of what they do, but looses a
| few points for some of the things they either forgot to do, or chose not to
| do. For business use, itâs a well rounded Linux distribution thatâs ready for
| the desktop for certain. But for the portable user and the home user, I feel
| that it needs to grow a bit more before it will find its way onto my
| shortlist of recommended Linux distributions. With what Iâve seen, Iâd really
| love for it to reach that level at some point, but for now itâs not. But I
| must say, the developers have done well and I look forward to future versions
| and all the great new things that they will be bringing about in the years to
| come! Â Â Â Â


A First Look At CentOS 5

,----[ Quote ]
| After what has become a few weeks with it, I believe CentOS 5 is a
| worthy successor to previous versions. ÂIf you're in the market for
| an easy to use Linux operating system, you will find me suggesting it.


CentOS The Red Hat Clone Â

,----[ Quote ]
| The release of the free, community-based CentOS 5 Enterprise Linux so
| soon after the RHEL 5 release is hardly a surprise; the same thing
| happened with RHEL 4 two years ago. Nor does Red Hat consider CentOS
| a competitor, but rather a distribution that fills a need. The
| company also said CentOS will help it grow its business.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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