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[News] Mozilla Helps with Afrobotics, Free Software Helps with Healthcare

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All the fun of the technology faire

,----[ Quote ]
| A presentation from the Afrobotics team was to inspire more African students 
| to pursue studies in engineering, science and technology, and African 
| computer programmers working with the open-source Mozilla Foundation â 
| creators of Firefox and open-source email client Thunderbird â came to 
| promote their projects (http.    
| The faire was timed to coincide with the International Development Design 
| Summit.  


How software companies could screw up Obamaâs health care reform.

,----[ Quote ]
| The system that Midland adopted is based on software originally written by 
| doctors for doctors at the Veterans Health Administration, and it is whatâs 
| called "open source," meaning the code can be read and modified by anyone and 
| is freely available in the public domain rather than copyrighted by a 
| corporation. For nearly thirty years, the VA softwareâs code has been 
| continuously improved by a large and ever-growing community of collaborating, 
| computer-minded health care professionals, at first within the VA and later 
| at medical institutions around the world. Because the program is open source, 
| many minds over the years have had the chance to spot bugs and make 
| improvements. By the time Midland installed it, the core software had been 
| road-tested at hundred of different hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes by 
| hundreds of thousands of health care professionals.           



Live from FOSSHealth in Houston Texas

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Vass of Sun (still not Oracle yet he confirms) NHIN CONNECT Efforts is
| talking about the difference between FOSS and proprietary in which RSA was
| openly and rigorously examined by experts....


What Obama promised open source health IT

,----[ Quote ]
| Proprietary vendors, especially in the health care space, are experts at
| creating Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) concerning open source. They will
| offer government âproven solutionsâ while open source advocates will offer
| tools the government might build on.


Misys Open Source Solutions Announces Business Advisory Board for

,----[ Quote ]
| Misys Open Source Solutions, a division of Misys plc (FTSE:MSY.L), today
| announced the Business Advisory Board members for OpenCarbonWorld.com (OCW),
| the company's carbon planning and information portal designed to help
| organizations establish clear policies towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
| emissions.


Healthcare Conference to Focus on Open Source Solutions

,----[ Quote ]
| Panels, presentations, and Birds of a Feather meetings are certainly the
| highlight of next month's Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE), but that's
| not the only thing happening during the event. The Demonstrating Open Source
| Health Care Solutions (DOHCS) conference will be co-located with SCALE and
| both will get underway on Friday, February 20, 2009.

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