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[News] Fog Computing Conference Revolves Around Free software Centerpiece

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Cloudera Announces Hadoop World, and Hadoop Marches On

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, Cloudera announced the first ever Hadoop World conference, to take 
| place at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City on October 2nd, with 
| registration available here.  


SpringSource enables Java cloud apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Java framework builder SpringSource  is set to provide enterprise Java 
| developers a platform for cloud-based deployments with the unveiling on 
| Tuesday of SpringSource Cloud Foundry.  



5 Common Questions About Hadoop

,----[ Quote ]
| Thereâs been a lot of buzz about Hadoop lately. Just the other day, some of
| our friends at Yahoo! reclaimed the terasort record from Google using Hadoop,
| and the folks at Facebook let on that they ingest 15 terabytes a day into
| their 2.5 petabyte Hadoop-powered data warehouse.
| [...]
| Hadoop uses commodity hardware, so every month, your costs decrease or
| provide more capacity for the same price point. You probably have a vendor
| you like, and they probably sell a dual quad-core (8 cores total) machine
| with 4 1TB SATA disks (you specifically donât want RAID).


The dawn of a new Cloudera

,----[ Quote ]
| Given the current economic outlook itâs great to see a new open source
| start-up rearing its head, and the list of founders indicates that this one
| has a good chance of survival. While VentureBeat is focused on the fact that
| Ex-Google, Yahoo, and Facebook employees are on the team, my eye was caught
| by the fact that Mike Oslon, Sleepycat Software founder and former CEO has
| been tempted out of semi-retirement.

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