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[News] Government Gives Its Data to Citizens, Setting it Free

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Opening Up Government Data: Give it to Us Raw, Give it to Us Now

,----[ Quote ]
| Last month Rufus Pollock, Director of the Open Knowledge Foundation, spoke at 
| OpenTech 2009 in a session with Richard Stirling of the Cabinet Office and 
| John Sheridan of the Office of Public Sector Information.  


Where is the nearest bus stop? UK Department for Transport adds NaPTAN data to
Open Street Map

,----[ Quote ]
| The UKâs Department for Transport (DfT) has recently released data from the 
| National Public Transport Access Node (NaPTAN) database to be put on Open 
| Street Map (OSM).  


San Francisco Opens The Cityâs Data

,----[ Quote ]
| In an effort to engage our highly skilled workforce we are launching 
| DataSF.org, an initiative designed to increase access to city data. 
| The new web site will provide a clearinghouse of structured, raw and 
| machine-readable government data to the public in an easily downloadable 
| format. For example, there will be updated crime incident data from the 
| police department and restaurant inspection data from the Department of 
| Public Health. The initial phase of the web site includes more than 100 
| datasets, from a range of city departments, including Police, Public Works, 
| and the Municipal Transportation Agency.       



Shared data feed

,----[ Quote ]
| Richard Stallman views proprietary software, and specifically software
| patents, as deliberate efforts to prevent people from helping each other. ÂIn
| this way people make money providing what someone else would gladly supply
| free. ÂI think both file sharing and free software are evidence that people
| are naturally inclined to share and help, within certain constraints. ÂThe
| sharing communities have arisen within those constraints. ÂIf all this is
| accurate, then file sharing and open source come from a basic part of our
| social nature and are going to be very hard to eradicate - hysterical
| anti-piracy campaigns and patent-supported software behemoths
| notwithstanding.

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