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Micoshaft has no track record of competing with Linux

  • Subject: Micoshaft has no track record of competing with Linux
  • From: 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:12:12 GMT
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.99.01
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:801366
Micoshaft has no track record of competing with Linux

Micoshaft loons confuse free wth freedom.
What utter dip sticks!!


Linux is free as in freedom not price to an enterprise.
If its a cost issue, enterprise Linux has lower cost than micoshaft.

Micoshaft likes to think they are cheap.
Only if you believe Santa Claus will refund you the difference
in a corporate environment.

Micoshaft likes to think they can prove they cost less than Linux.
Only if you believe their comparisons and graphs and
willfully ignored corporate Linux comparisons and graphs.

Micoshaft has no track record of competing with Linux.
It has track record of competing with something they
wrongly band about as free beer but which isn't at their cost

30% of ALL netbooks sold contain Linux. They are not sold as free beer
and people still buy them because it contains Linux.
Customer are not deleting their precious Linux because warranty repair
items still have Linux on them when they are inspected.

Micoshaft marketing plops have always trolled journalists
and retailers.
Linux has always sold 30% to 40% of all netbooks.
But journalists are so easily tricked with micoshaft marketing
plops. After the NPD fiasco, Linux netbooks are rationed but STILL
going like the clappers from shelves and none available from most retailers
because they were tricked and told lies about Linux netbooks.
Rationing causes retailers and manufacturers to loose money.

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