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[News] [Rival] Mono and Moonlight Have Bad Karma

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Analysis: How Moonlight 2.0 Fits into Novell's Linux and Open Source Plans

,----[ Quote ]
| But to critics of Novell's moves to align with Microsoft to offer Moonlight 
| as a way to make Silverlight-enabled content work for Linux users, the bad 
| karma continues. Instead of this being a good thing for Novell and Linux 
| users, critics argue, the Moonlight project helps Microsoft maintain a 
| leadership role in a development platform that only gives lip service to the 
| open source community, they say.     


"So How Did Things Get to this Point? " 

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell's CEO, a former IBM/Windows guy, told us. He said he couldn't sell 
| Linux against Windows. So, he sold out Linux and the FOSS community by 
| implicitly claiming that Linux contains MS IP, and now pays ROYALTY to 
| Microsoft for every copy of SLES sold, in return for special treatment and 
| immunity from possible lawsuits.    
| [...]
| As far as MONO and MoonLight being on a Linux desktop, Microsoft's James 
| Plamondon said it best: "Every application written to Microsoft's standards 
| is a WIN for Microsoft..."  
| In other words, "He who controls the desktop API controls the desktop."
| My question has always been: "What advantage for Linux and FOSS is there in 
| giving Microsoft direct or indirect control of the Linux desktop?" 
| ABSOLUTELY NONE. To do so would result, eventually, in the destruction of 
| Linux, a goal Microsoft has NEVER ceased to attain. So, why do certain people 
| CONTINUE to campaign, even with hostility, in order to help Microsoft attain 
| it's goal?   



Banshee UI to be in Moonlight

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes. Thatâs right. According to the GCDS 2009 presentation notes on the
| Banshee site, we learn lots of nice stuff about Banshee:
| âItâs not just an app, itâs a platformâ.
| Â Â * Long term goal is to write the UI in Moonlight
| Â Â Â Â Â o Declarative UI, canvas, scene graph, and toolkit
| Â Â Â Â Â o Moonlight is an Open Source implementation of Microsoftâs
| Â Â Â Â Â Silverlight technology â and it is awesome
| âBanshee is going to do photosâ
| âWe are re-basing the F-Spot core on top of Bansheeâ
| And it ends with GNOME, Mono and Banshee logos.
| Moonlight is of course, absolutely toxic unless you get it directly from
| Novell, as the so-called âcovenantâ specifically prohibits non-Novell
| distributions from distributing Moonlight

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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