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[News] Linux Gains Many New Graphics Drivers

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This Week: Linux Graphics Continue To Evolve


VIA Releases A New 2D Linux Driver

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month we shared that VIA would be releasing a new 2D graphics 
| driver for Linux and this morning they have done just that. While previously 
| VIA Technologies had thrown their weight behind the OpenChrome driver, and 
| there are other VIA drivers out there like the UniChrome driver, they have 
| been working on their own xf86-video-via driver. Back in August they had 
| released a xf86-video-via driver, but today's release of this open-source 
| driver now uses their new kernel DRM for providing 2D (EXA) acceleration.       


NVIDIA Pushes Out New Linux Driver Updates

,----[ Quote ]
| NVIDIA hasn't been updating their binary Linux drivers as frequently as they 
| were earlier this year when it would be hard to go even just a week without 
| seeing a new beta, an official update, or changes to either of their legacy 
| drivers. However, there are some new NVIDIA Linux drivers to start off this 
| week. For those sticking with the official NVIDIA driver releases there is 
| now the 185.18.36 release while those willing to try out a beta driver there 
| is the 190.25 build.       



Radeon Driver Picks Up VBOs, OQ Support

,----[ Quote ]
| There are quite a number of changes in store for Mesa 7.6, such as new state
| trackers for Gallium3D, other Gallium3D-specific improvements, optimized IR,
| and many changes to the different Mesa 3D drivers. Adding to that list, the
| open-source ATI R300+ driver has just picked up support for Vertex Buffer
| Objects and Occlusion Queries.


Radeon 3D Driver Rewrite Merged To Master

,----[ Quote ]
| It has been several months coming, but the "radeon-rewrite" driver has been
| merged into the mainline Mesa code-base in the past hour.
| [...]
| This radeon-rewrite merger is also good news for those interested in the
| forthcoming merger of the TTM memory manager and Radeon kernel mode-setting
| into the Linux 2.6.31 kernel.


AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4770 On Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| To those of you interested in AMD's new graphics card, the ATI Radeon HD
| 4770, it does work with Linux. Right now you can run this first 40nm GPU
| using Catalyst 9.4, but you will see an "unsupported hardware" logo in the
| lower right hand corner. There may also be a few other bugs.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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