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[News] More Games Are Coming to GNU/Linux: Chicken Invaders, Motocross, Shadowgrounds, Lugaru

  • Subject: [News] More Games Are Coming to GNU/Linux: Chicken Invaders, Motocross, Shadowgrounds, Lugaru
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:57:57 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Games : Chicken Invaders For Linux !

,----[ Quote ]
| The Arcade Space shooters "Chicken Invaders" 2, 3 and their Special Christmas 
| Editions are available for Linux! 


Mad Skills Motocross game released

,----[ Quote ]
| It can be played on Windows, Macintosh and Linux.


Shadowgrounds: Survivor Finally Goes Gold

,----[ Quote ]
| It will be about two or three weeks until the boxed version of Shadowgrounds: 
| Survivor starts shipping for Linux, but it will also be available for a 
| (paid) download and for renting through LGP's rental service.  


Games : New Lugaru Linux release

,----[ Quote ]
| Lugaru, the classic ninja rabbit fighting game known for its  melee combat, 
| has just been updated by expert programmer Ryan Gordon, aka Icculus. 



Quake Live at 1Ghz, 256Mb

,----[ Quote ]
| Thatâs Crux, by the way. I expected laggy performance and skipping graphics.
| But framerates are exceptionally good, although I didnât find a way to show a
| number on screen. Iâm not a huge first-person shooter fan, but itâs fun to
| try out.


Quake Live Updated to Support Linux and Mac Users

,----[ Quote ]
| During the QuakeCon 2009 press conference, id President Todd Hollenshead
| announced what many non-Windows computer users had been asking about for
| months. Quake Live, id software's browser based shooter, would be adding
| support for Linux and Macintosh operating system users.


42 Hot Free Linux Games (Part 3 of 3)

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux enjoys a very large software library of games, the vast majority of
| which can be downloaded without any payment. Helping to identify great games
| is made difficult by the fact that to a large extent games are a matter of
| taste. Furthermore, some players prefer games of tactics, others enjoy the
| communication with fellow gamers. There are those who hanker for games that
| require quick reflexes, or which truly challenge the mind.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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