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[News] Microsoft's anti-Linux 'Training' Gaffe Used to Train People to Dislike Microsoft

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft's anti-Linux 'Training' Gaffe Used to Train People to Dislike Microsoft
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:44:53 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Incoming Rounds...Triangulating For Return Fire 

,----[ Quote ]
| It is a desperate move...
| This one that Microsoft is making...
| But should we expect anything else?
| Probably not. Audacity is their calling card.
| See Microsoft has no problem lying. They don't "misspeak". they don't "mis-
| represent the facts".
| They lie through their gold-capped teeth.
| If the above linked post is verified as true, and I have just fairly well
| verified on my own that it is; then the evidence is irrefutable....
| They are liars....at the very best, they are withholding truths.
| Or delusional...
| All is fair in love and marketing...right?


Windows 7 vs. Linux, Microsoft Trashes Open Source OS


New Anti-Linux Propaganda from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Screenshots obviously conditioning PC sales personnel to lie about Linux have 
| been discovered in a US forum hosting Windows 7 training modules.
| With the impending release of Windows 7, that in contrast to Vista supposedly 
| runs at an acceptable speed on netbooks, Microsoft's marketing machine, faced 
| with the enormous popularity of Linux in the netbook segment, has changed up a 
| gear in its anti-Linux propaganda. What is commonly referred to as FUD in 
| Internet jargon (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), is being implemented in the form 
| of a list of dubious facts used in Microsoft's sales training modules to drive 
| customers back to Windows-- a well known tactic that Microsoft has used 
| against Linux in the past.(see Halloween documents). 



Microsoft propaganda handed out to Staples employees.

,----[ Quote ]
| I thought Iâd post these images of Microsoftâs propaganda theyâve been
| distributing to Staples employees.
| Numerous lies like greater compatibility than GNU/Linux-when most of the
| older hardware wonât work with MS Windows Vista. GNU/Linux is compatible
| with more hardware than any operating system in history. It may not work
| with some of the latest and greatest-but for the most part it works
| better. I donât spend 3 hours fiddling with installing my printer drivers.
| I plug it in- and it just appears as an option in whatever program I need
| to print with.


Best Buy gives in to Microsoft anti-Linux FUD, has seen itâs last dollar
from me already though.

,----[ Quote ]
| Thereâs a certain demographic that will pay any price because they have
| lots of money to set on fire. These same people buy Hummer H2âs. The rest
| spend about a monthâs salary every year or two on Microsoft software and
| partner products under the mistaken impression that they simply have to.
| They donât want to, theyâre not evil people, theyâve simply been led
| astray by the sales associate, the lowly peon making $8 an hour at the
| Best Buy store, the unwitting foot soldier in Microsoftâs propaganda
| battle. Exactly whatâs in it for the sales associate if people continue
| maxing out their credit cards on shit they donât need? They may be able to
| come back to work next Monday, or Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or
| whenever theyâre expected to show up for their 4-8 hours shift so they can
| continue making the $8 an hour. Itâs how retail treats people.


Microsoft 'indoctrinates' Best Buy workers with anti-Linux 'lies'

,----[  ]
| Microsoft (MFST) is "indoctrinating" Best Buy (BBY) workers to sell its
| highly anticipated Windows 7 operating system using outright lies about
| the  performance of open-source competitor Linux, according to Linux
| experts and at least one Best Buy employee who has seen the alleged
| Microsoft training slides.


Microshit Trains BestBuy Employees to Boo Linux to Customers

,----[ Quote ]
| No iPod support? Really? And the Zune doesn't work on the Mac either
| although there has been some progress from the Linux community. And I've
| never had any problems pulling pictures from cameras.


âStupid Customersâ say PCworld/Currys staff? & FUD Training for retail?

,----[  ]
| The post is from a Best Buy employee who underwent Windows 7 training to
| sell Windows 7.  The author of that post has provided commentary and it
| shows IMO a very good example of the sales techniques that some use to
| promote Windows on the net.    Many lies are put about Linux on the net
| and my advice to any interested Linux user is simply to download a Live-CD
| and try it for yourself.
| The danger being though, on the net its harder to tell a salesperson from
| an âordinary userâ.


Microsoft giving Best Buy anti-Linux training

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has been asked about the memos but has neither confirmed nor
| denied their legitimacy. However, the material is both consistent with
| Microsoft's visual style as well as its frequent attempts to discredit
| Linux as a threat, which in the past have involved paid-for studies that
| allegedly show Windows as superior to Linux for servers.


Microsoftâs Best Buy Lies About Linux Debunked

,----[ Quote ]
| In an effort to thwart Linux sales on netbooks, Microsoft has started a
| training program at Best Buy to âeducateâ their âexpertsâ on Linux. And
| true to their fashion, MS resorted to FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)
| and straight out LIES! However, Microsoft still maintains that Linux is
| not a threat to their market, they are just spending all this money to
| âhelpâ people make an educated decision. Funny thing, is that they ended
| up promoting Linux.


MS-BS Quotient Off the top of the Charts.

,----[ Quote ]
| Those numbers touting an 11 second boot time are from HIBERNATION files.
| Not from a cold start. As a result, they are total crap. I did my own
| "tests" on Win 7.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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