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[News] MAFIAA Chooses Lawsuits Over Acceptance of Abundance-based Business Models

  • Subject: [News] MAFIAA Chooses Lawsuits Over Acceptance of Abundance-based Business Models
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 23:52:23 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

RIAA must embrace file sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| College students everywhere are mourning the tragic, soon-to-be loss of the 
| Pirate Bay, an online file sharing legend that has recently come under some 
| insurmountable legal scrutiny.


Pre-release music pirates face 4 years in prison, $250k fine

,----[ Quote ]
| Four members of the group Rabid Neuroses (RNS) have been indicted for 
| conspiring to commit copyright infringement with pre-release music and 
| albums. The four face jail time if found guilty, while a fifth has already 
| pleaded guilty and a sixth faces sentencing soon. 



Musicians hit out at piracy plans

,----[ Quote ]
| An alliance of music stars, songwriters and record producers has spoken
| out against UK government proposals to kick file-sharers off the
| internet.


Pirated Artist Orders Police Raid on Sony Music Office

,----[ Quote ]
| A Sony Music office in Mexico has been raided after the label refused to
| hand over the recordings of one of Latin Americaâs biggest artists,
| Alejandro FernÃndez. Police took over 6,000 CDs that Sony refused to
| return, even though FernÃndezâ contract with the label had ended.


Morrissey tells fans to boycott new box set reissues

,----[ Quote ]
| The former Smiths singer claimed in a statement issued to fan site
| True-to-you.net, which he often communicates through, that he wouldn't
| receive any money from the reissues, released on November 2, and that he was
| not asked for approval for their release.


Stephen Fry on copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| At an event in London last night, the writer, actor, and gadget fan Stephen
| Fry launched a surprisingly ferocious attack on the music and movie
| industries over the way they have acted to defend their copyright.


Richard Marx (!) attacks RIAA after $1.92M Thomas verdict

,----[ Quote ]
| Jammie Thomas-Rasset was held liable to sharing 24 songs, including one by
| pop crooner Richard Marx. But the lawsuit wasn't done in Marx's nameâthis
| week, he called out the recording industry's "greedy actions."


Moby: The RIAA Needs to be Disbanded

,----[ Quote ]
| The two million dollar fine handed out to Jammie Thomas by a Minnesota jury
| this week hasnât done the music industryâs image much good. While lawyers and
| high level managers at the major labels cracked open the Champagne, artists
| such as Moby and Radiohead shook their heads in shame at what the music world
| has become.

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