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Sometimes automake is no goodâ Mono projects
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| Itâs not that I just donât like the way the Makefiles are written, but factoring in the
| fact that automake does not support C#/Mono natively, you get to the point where:
| * the support for dependencies is just not there;
| * automake is designed to support language where a source file is translated into an
| object file, and then linked; C# does not work in that way since all the source
| files are given when building a single assembly;
| * the support for various flags variables is just pointless with the way the compiler
| work.
| I guess there are mostly two reasons why autotools are still used by C#/Mono based
| projects, the first is that it integrates well when you also have some native
| extensions, like F-Spot has, and the latter is that it provides at least some level of
| boilerplate code.
Mono... brought to you from that dude who's on Microsoft's board.
The H Gives Mono a Health Check
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| Next, it reinforces the point that Mr. de Icaza was totally serious back when
| he said that âGnome 4.0 should be based on .NETâ â thatâs exactly what he
| thought then, and exactly what he thinks now. Itâs dressed up a bit in
| pseudo-technical rhetoric, but the underlying desire is the same.
Health Check: Mono - Too much monkey business?
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| This stance has been countered to some degree by Microsoft's Community
| Promise, but doubts remain as to what is actually covered, and de Icaza
| concedes as much. "In the next few months," he wrote, "we will be working
| towards splitting the jumbo Mono source code that includes ECMA + A lot more
| into two separate source code distributions. One will be ECMA, the other will
| contain our implementation of ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Winforms and others." In
| theory, the core components of Mono and the Mono development stack for Gnome
| are covered by the Community Promise. The elements that provide compatibility
| with Windows are not.
| From the beginning Mono has been beset by misunderstandings, misconceptions
| and political ineptitude, not least by Novell, de Icaza's employer, which
| allowed Microsoft to insert patent indemnification into its commercial
| agreement of 2006, souring its relationship with the free software community
| and giving Microsoft grounds for suggesting, without substantiation, that
| GNU/Linux and other free software infringed Microsoft patents - and by
| Microsoft's ongoing ambivalence towards free and open source software within
| its own halls.
Pro-mono Zealotry
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| What this does illustrate, I think, is something that is already obvious to
| anyone that has been following the Mono controversy: there are people that
| are just as âextremeâ and unwilling to listen to reason as the most zealoty
| charactertures painted by the Broad Brush of the Most High and (Self)
| Righteous Community Gatekeepers.
| You can spot these people by the mindless regurgitation of other peopleâs
| talking points and the inability to make even the slightest concession to any
| opposing argument; the gleeful participation in any manner of attack or
| disinformation; the uncritical embrace of anyone or anything that supports
| thier position. A sure sign is charging the opposition with the very crimes
| they themselves are in the act of commiting.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)