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[News] Ohio Linux Fest and The Atlanta Linux Fest Come Soon

  • Subject: [News] Ohio Linux Fest and The Atlanta Linux Fest Come Soon
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 20:08:36 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Ohio Linux Fest [September 25-27] Back to the Future of Linux!

,----[ Quote ]
| Don't miss your last chance to register for Ohio Linux Fest! A mere two weeks 
| away on September 25-27, it's coming faster than a Free Software freight train! 
| Registration has been lighter than past years please forward this release to 
| friends in the Ohio and surrounding areas. Columbus, Ohio The seventh annual 
| Ohio LinuxFest will be on September 25-26, 2009 at the Greater Columbus 
| Convention Center, in downtown Columbus, Ohio.


Ohio LinuxFest is ready for 40 Years

,----[ Quote ]
| Ohio LinuxFest is definitely one of my favorite Linux and open-source 
| conferences. If youâve never been to a Linux conference, now is a great time to 
| begin. If you have, itâs also a great time to experience this conference.


The Atlanta Linux Fest 



Ohio LinuxFest 2009 Sept 25-26

,----[ Quote ]
| Itâs only a little more than a month from now, the seventh Ohio LinuxFest.
| This year we will be  celebrating 40 years of Unix!



Ohio Linux Fest 2008.

,----[ Quote ]
| Somewhere around 1,000 people showed up for Ohio Linux Fest, some driving for
| hours, despite crazy fuel costs and uncertain economic times, to share the
| joy of free software. (And some good drinks at the after-party, Iâm sure.) It
| was a great event and Iâm happy to have had a chance to meet our new North
| American community superheroes. Thanks to all these guys for putting together
| a fantastic booth, and giving Fedora excellent visibility here. Iâm looking
| forward to seeing everyone here again next year!


Fedora at Ohio Linux Fest, Day 0.

,----[ Quote ]
| We took a brief tour of the theater district in Columbus, which is quite
| nice, and I got to my hotel with a couple hours to kill â easy enough, since
| I needed to catch up on my email for the day.


Ohio Linux Fest - October 10th and 11th, 2008: Columbus, Ohio

,----[ Quote ]
| On October 10th and 11th, 2008 the Ohio Linux Fest (OLF) 2008 Ohio Linux Fest
| (OLF) 2008 will occur. This is the sixth edition of this event, held every
| year in Columbus Ohio. I like OLF, because it is not only a community event,
| staged and run by volunteers, but it is also a family event, with people of
| all ages invited and involved.


LUGs Emphasize the "Festive" at Ohio LinuxFest

,----[ Quote ]
| Few will argue that engaged, active outreach isn't a crucial element that
| Linux User Groups (LUGs) and open source projects need to attract new users,
| supporters and contributors. The formula itself is simple. Trying to puzzle
| out what "engaged, active outreach" is in a perfect world, versus what a LUG
| can realistically deliver, is where things can become volatile.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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