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[News] Nokia Sets a Battle to Advance Linux on Mobiles

  • Subject: [News] Nokia Sets a Battle to Advance Linux on Mobiles
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:39:25 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Nokia lures developers to Maemo, defends its operator appeal

,----[ Quote ]
| Even as it gets caught up in a debate over the openness 
| of its Maemo Linux operating system, Nokia has announced 
| a developer contest designed to boost the applications 
| available for the OS, and particularly its new N900 
| smartphone.


Office viewer for Maemo5 based on KOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| KOffice2 is still a fresh set of office tools. We 
| released the 2.0, called platform release, just 3 months 
| ago and work continues to make the suite more stable and 
| to add the minimum set of features people should be able 
| to expect.


Intel gears up for mobile battle

,----[ Quote ]
| Anand Chandrasekher, a senior vice president at Intel 
| and general manager for the ultra mobility group, also 
| said the company is open to joining forces with the 
| world's largest cell phone maker, Nokia, on a Linux-
| based operating system.


10 things to know about Nokia's N900

,----[ Quote ]
| As mentioned above, the new Maemo 5 OS is designed to 
| offer powerful new options that we haven't seen on 
| Symbian-powered devices before.



N900 PUSHed as a hackerâs best friend

,----[ Quote ]
| This past Sunday I was invited to Londonâs Southbank to take a peek
| at a number of arty hacks centred around the new Nokia N900
| tabletyphonething. The hackers involved were from Tinker.it, a
| creative consultancy that seems to specialise in making physical
| things that represent the digital world. A lot of what they do
| seems to revolve around the Arduino platform (a small
| microcontroller that can talk to sensors and various external
| modules) and Nokia gave them the task of taking us back to the
| 80âs.


Nokia launches N900 hack fest!

,----[ Quote ]
| The Nokia N900 net tabletâs hardware is impressive enough, but its
| real selling point is the all new, multitasking Maemo 5 operating
| system. Espooâs proud of what it can do, and to show it off, itâs
| launching its very own, Nokia endorsed hacking competition for crafty
| coders. Want to get involved? Keep reading to find out how.


Hands on with the Nokia N900 and Maemo 5

,----[ Quote ]
| Qt will become the API across Nokia devices, which means developers might
| actually start writing applications for them. Qt is much easier for quick and
| dirty applications, and proven for heavyweights such as Google Earth, Opera
| and Skype, where high performance is a necessity.


Nokia bolsters phone lineup, prices laptop at $820


Nokia World 09 brings new smartphones, netbooks


Nokiaâs Free Software bullshit and insults in Maemo

,----[ Quote ]
| Thereâs a wiki page in Maemo explaining why there are some proprietary
| software. That page needs to be passed by the bullshit filter, like I said in
| my comment, Nokia is far from being friendly to Free Software. Theyâre
| actually quite aggressive and strongly lobby for the legalization of software
| patents in Europe. Donât be fooled by the sugar coating, they are not your
| friend. So what is in the wiki page after you pass the bullshit filter?
|     * Brand We think that âopen sourceâ reduces our brand value
|     * Differentiation Proprietary software is much better, just use it
|     * Legacy We donât want to be shamed by the garbage we forcefeed upon you
|     * IPR & licensing issues Software Patents are good, just buy the freaking
|     licenses from us.
|     * Security Since we sell dangerous products, we take your freedom away so
|     you donât make the mistake of getting proof theyâre crap (like their
|     batteries, which the phones must know the limits of)
|     * Third party Just accept that we know best and choose from the best

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