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Re: ITV (UK) Dumps Silverlight for Flash

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____/ Tony Manco on Tuesday 15 Sep 2009 21:05 : \____

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, bbgruff belched out
>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> "In a blow to Microsoft, ITV has switched the technology powering its web
>>> streaming service from Silverlight to Adobe's more widely installed
>>> Flash"
>>> "It's understood the move, quietly carried out on Friday, was motivated
>>> by a simple need for the commercial broadcaster to reach the greatest
>>> possible number of web viewers. The popularity of the BBC's rival iPlayer
>>> exploded when it launched a Flash version in 2007, after struggling as a
>>> P2P download application"
>> So how long until Microsoft breaks Flash in IE?   :-D
> They should focus on html5 embed video...

Embed wmv?

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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