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[News] Real Reasons to Move to GNU/Linux on the Desktop

  • Subject: [News] Real Reasons to Move to GNU/Linux on the Desktop
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 07:58:55 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Using Linux for the wrong reasons

,----[ Quote ]
| On this happy note, it's time to wrap this article. Don't 
| take me too seriously, after all, this rant was meant to be 
| fun. Still, as the popular saying goes, behind every joke is 
| a grain of joke, I think my article does have merits.
| Linux is a tool, a lovely, friendly tool. To use it 
| properly, you have to possess a certain skill set. 
| Otherwise, the experience won't be pleasant. My hope is that 
| future Linux converts will take to their hearts the advice 
| given here and carefully consider the implications of making 
| such a drastic move.
| Moving to Linux is just a beginning. Staying around is the 
| journey. And being satisfied with the choice made is the 
| end. Hopefully, we can all have a happy ending. 


Life Lessons Learned From Using Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The best things in life are free
| To be happy, there's no need for you to spend your money 
| every time. And not all expensive things are better than 
| those that are cheap. Before, I thought that the only way to 
| get high-quality software is to spend more. But since I 
| discovered Linux, and then Firefox, OpenOffice, Apache, and 
| so on and so forth... I realized that I was wrong.

http://www.junauza.com/2009/09/life-lessoilled with Applicationsns-learned-from-using-linux.html

The Disappearing Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| The âdesktopâ has been getting all the attention for the 
| past score of years or so, and it was a big improvement from 
| the âcommand lineâ, which is what we had to deal with prior 
| to that. The desktop metaphor opened up all kinds of 
| possibilities for people who had never used computers 
| before, and unleashed a wave of new applications development 
| the likes of which had never been previously seen.



The State Of Linux Desktop Functionality

,----[ Quote ]
| The next statement that keeps cropping up is that Linux has
| awful hardware detection and support. Unfortunately for those
| making this claim, it really depends on your perspective.
| Nearly everything you hook up to a modern Linux distro will
| work out of the box.


10 Reasons to use Linux for Enterprise Business

,----[ Quote ]
| For a year now the information technology sector has been
| suffering under the global economic recession. At this
| juncture, setting up a network system for any organization
| could be highly expensive. Linux is an open source OS and edges
| over it arch rival Windows in several instances when it comes
| to business. Apart from the fact that they are generally free,
| Linux is more secure, reliable and customizable than other
| proprietary counterparts. Some of the most renowned companies
| in the world, including the bigshots like Amazon, Google, and
| Yahoo, run their servers with Linux rather than Windows.


Linux in the Corporate Environment on the Desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| For those of you who don't know what Linux is, there are plenty of articles explaining
| its history to a great extent, but essentially, its an alternative Operating System that
| runs on computers capable of running Windows. There are multiple variants of Linux
| (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian) but essentially the core of the system is very similar and from
| a desktop interaction perspective, there are some common interfaces to them all. Gnome
| and KDE being the two dominant GUIs.


Desktop-Linux Can Shape Enterprise Cost

,----[ Quote ]
| As enterprises are actively moving their business into remote cloud model,
| only standard interfaces are required on the desktop to access the data in
| the cloud. This can potentially open a window (pun not intended) for the IT
| department to train its employees in free software such as Linux, with the
| double benefit of adding expertise to its employees and slaying unnecessary
| IT investments.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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