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[News] Very Exciting Things Coming to Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

  • Subject: [News] Very Exciting Things Coming to Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 08:34:28 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Ubuntu 10.04 Linux will be a Lucid Lynx

,----[ Quote ]
| At the Atlanta Linux Fest, Mark Shuttleworth announced that 
| Ubuntu 10.04, the next major release of Ubuntu after version 
| 9.10 Karmic Koala, will be code-named Lucid Lynx. Ubuntu 10.04 
| will also be a Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Debian-
| derived Linux distribution.


More Eye Candy Coming To Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu art team has been hard at work preparing a new 
| look for Karmic Koala, which is set to be released on 
| October 29th. While no final theme has been chosen, here 
| screenshots of some of the art I like.


Computer and internet briefs, 20th September 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Washington - Thinking of trying Linux? If you are, you'll 
| quickly discover that there are dozens of different 
| distributions - or "distros" - of the operating system 
| floating around on the internet. Which should you choose? 
| These days, the consensus favourite for easiest to set up is 
| Ubuntu. Based on the stable Debian distro, Ubuntu comes with 
| most drivers and productivity applications that you'll need 
| to start working right away.



An Early Look at Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala - Overview & Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.10, codenamed Karmic Koala, is scheduled for release in late
| October, and it will be the 11th release of the most popular Linux
| distribution. Although it is scheduled to come with GNOME 2.28, it will be
| the first release to introduce the first changes that will be featured in
| GNOME 3.


An Early Look at Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala - Overview & Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.10, codenamed Karmic Koala, is scheduled for release in late
| October, and it will be the 11th release of the most popular Linux
| distribution. Although it is scheduled to come with GNOME 2.28, it will be
| the first release to introduce the first changes that will be featured in
| GNOME 3.


An early peek at Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, things appear usable if undramatic at this stage and there are a
| few months to go before the final release anyway.


Karmic Koala Alpha 3 arrives

,----[ Quote ]
| The development of the next version of Ubuntu continues with the third alpha
| release of Karmic Koala. According to the announcement, this alpha contains
| software updates which "are now ready for large scale testing". Alpha 3 is
| one of a number of milestones which the Ubuntu developers release as they
| progress towards the final October release of Ubuntu 9.10.


Karmic Koala Alpha 2 released

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the absolute latest and
| greatest software the Open Source Community has to offer. The Karmic Koala
| Alpha 2 is the second alpha release of Ubuntu 9.10, bringing with it the
| earliest new features for the next version of Ubuntu.
| This is an alpha release. Do not install it on production machines. The final
| stable version will be released on October 29th, 2009.


Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 2 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| We should start this article by letting everyone know that Ubuntu 9.10
| (Karmic Koala), due for release in late October this year, will not have that
| professional theme everyone was expecting, as stated by Mark Shuttleworth
| himself in the Ubuntu Open Week Q & A:
| "It has taken a long, long time to pull together a design team. I had hoped
| to have that team in place six months ago, but it's still forming. I think we
| will make good progress in the next cycle, you can already see a few things
| that have borne fruit from that team: notifications, time zone selector in
| installer, etc, but it's fragmentary. I'm pretty darn confident we'll have a
| new look for 10.04 but I think only pieces of that will emerge for 9.10."


Karmic Desktop UDS run-down!

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall it is gearing up to be a pretty radical and exciting release; there
| are some changes to the default application set as well as some major version
| upgrades of existing core components. We are trying to be fairly aggressive
| in terms of new stuff so that if Canonical wants Karmic+1 to be an LTS (Long
| Term Support) release, we can have fairly stabilized new technologies by then
| (thanks to 6 months of stabilization in the Karmic cycle) instead of having
| to wait until after the LTS (Karmic+2) to introduce them. Since many of these
| changes would be too radical to first appear in an LTS, if we don't upgrade
| now we may not be able to for a year, and have to maintain old versions for
| 3-5 years in the LTS.


Ubuntu 9.10 Off To A Great Performance Start

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow, while there may not be many end-user improvements in Ubuntu 9.10 yet and
| the desktop looks just like that of Ubuntu 9.04, there does seem to be some
| performance improvements. Besides the huge SQLite improvement that did not
| come as a surprise, there are better compilation times with GCC 4.4, much
| better disk performance with the newer Linux kernel, and other improvements
| throughout. One area that still needs to be improved upon is with the Intel
| Linux graphics performance after going through radical changes with kernel
| mode-setting, DRI2, and the Graphics Execution Manager.


Karmic Alpha 1 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Welcome to Karmic Koala Alpha 1, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.10.
| Pre-releases of Karmic are not encouraged for anyone needing a stable
| system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even
| frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and
| those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.


Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 1 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| The system is fast as usual, with no major problems at the moment, except for
| the fact that the video drivers don't work, yet. As always, we did not expect
| something exciting from the first, and not even from the next two or three
| alpha versions of Ubuntu. Probably starting with the fifth or sixth alpha we
| will see some big changes, like that professional theme everyone is still
| waiting for, and which Mark Shuttleworth promised us.


[Kubuntu] First Karmic Alpha Available

,----[ Quote ]
| The first alpha CD for our next release is now available. This is at a very
| early stage of development so is advised for brave testers only. See the
| overview from Ubuntu, the announcement or just go straight to the CD
| download.


Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 1 freeze ahead

,----[ Quote ]
| The first alpha release of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is targeted for next
| Thursday, May 14.


More Karmic plans

,----[ Quote ]
| The Jaunty development cycle was a hectic, pulsating (no pun intended) ride,
| and Karmic's looks to be just as vigourous! Here are my objectives for 9.10:
| Audio:
|     Enable power-saving by default for HDA controllers - after fifteen
|     seconds, power down the HDA controller to squeeze some juice for those
|     transpacific flights. I'll be calling for testers shortly, but I'm most
|     interested in resolving anomalies after the controller powers back up.


Canonical Engaging Ubuntu Software Partners

,----[ Quote ]
| Details are still sketchy. But sources tell me Canonical is adjusting some
| internal employee roles. The result will be a stronger, more immediate
| emphasis on ISV relations, especially as Canonical prepares to launch Ubuntu
| 9.10.


Ubuntu 9.10 development begins

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.10 is expected to focus on server functions related to cloud
| computing, energy conservation, shorter start up times and a revised login
| screen. Better hardware support for the growing number of netbooks is also
| planned. Following the final release of Ubuntu 9.10, a Developer Summit is
| scheduled for the 19th of November.


Ubuntu Karmic development kicks off


Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Release Schedule

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu team is already planning for 9.10, which will see the light of day in
| October 2009. The desktop side will focus on beautification and an improved
| boot-up experience; the server side will target cloud computing.


Will Your Next Wireless Router Run Ubuntu?

,----[ Quote ]
| Granted, only experienced Linux geeks are likely to be able to enjoy master
| mode for the time being, since putting it into action requires intimate
| familiarity with the âiwconfigâ command, the âhostapâ utility and most likely
| dhcp servers, not to mention bridging network interfaces together.
| Nonetheless, the day has at least become conceivable when setting up an
| Ubuntu computer as a wireless router is as easy to clicking a button in
| NetworkManager, allowing even the most technologically inept Linux users to
| create local wireless networks effortlesslyâand not just ad-hoc networks like
| those supported by âInternet Connection Sharingâ in Windows, but true access
| point-based networks.


Ubuntu 9.10 sees the cloud above the trees

,----[ Quote ]
| Next month Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackelope, hits an FTP or torrent site near
| you. With its feature set pretty much frozen the masterminds at Canonical are
| looking to the future with Ubuntu 9.10 â Karmic Koala, I kid you not â being
| touted as cloud-centric.
| [...]
| As to naysayers, well, hey, itâs not just a koala â itâs also karmic. That
| means Windows no more; this time Ubuntu isnât just personal, itâs fate.


Ubuntu 9.10 Release Schedule Is Now Available

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.04 will not even be out for another month and a half, but Ubuntu
| enthusiasts can already start getting excited for its successor, Ubuntu 9.10.
| Ubuntu 9.10 has been codenamed the Karmic Koala and this release from
| Canonical will integrate Plymouth to provide a rich kernel mode-setting
| experience, feature performance improvements, and contain enhancements for
| Ubuntu cloud computing. In time for Ubuntu 9.10 we may even see some
| Gallium3D drivers and the latest innovations in the Linux stack as of the
| Linux 2.6.31 kernel or thereabouts.


Ubuntu 9.10 Release Schedule


Introducing the Karmic Koala, our mascot for Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the *Karmic Koala*, the newest
| member of our alliterative menagerie.
| When you are looking for inspiration beyond the looming Jaunty feature
| freeze, I hope you'll think of the Koala, our official mascot for Ubuntu
| 9.10. And if you'll bear with me for a minute I'll set the scene for what we
| hope to achieve in that time.


Ubuntu 9.10 is named Karmic Koala, will eat tasty eucalyptus

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth has announced plans for Karmic Koala,
| version 9.10 of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. It will include improved
| support for cloud computing, better netbook compatibility, and faster boot
| time.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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