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[News] Microsoft Slammed for Anti-Linux Abuse with Software Patents

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft Slammed for Anti-Linux Abuse with Software Patents
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:52:06 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft accused of 'ulterior motive' in Linux patent sale

,----[Quote  ]
| Does the troll-blocking organization that recently 
| secured a set of supposedly Linux-related patents from 
| Microsoft need sizing for a penguin-shaped tinfoil hat? 
| Or was the IP sale really Redmond's secret scheme to 
| "create fear, uncertainty, and doubt" in the open-
| source community?
| On Monday, at LinuxCon in Portland, Oregon, Open 
| Invention Network chief executive Keith Bergelt had 
| more harsh words for Microsoft over Redmond's allegedly 
| sinister sale. Apparently, Microsoft shopped its 
| patents to several firms, including some notorious 
| patent trolls, and it didn't offer them to OIN.


Microsoft/Linux: Donât Cross License with Us?

,----[ Quote ]
| Second, what is the impact of this sale on 
| manufacturers of Linux based devices who are entering 
| cross-licensing arrangements with Microsoft?  What is 
| the value of a cross licensing deal intended to protect 
| against Linux related patents if the very patents you 
| want to license are, will be, or have been, sold off to 
| third parties?
| Is Microsoft undermining its patent cross licensing 
| push?



Red Hat accuses Microsoft of patent FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat blogged that the patents acquired by OIN were being marketed by
| Microsoft to
| patent trolls.
|     "It also used marketing materials that highlighted offensive uses
|     of the patents against open source software, including a number of
|     the most popular open source packages," Red Hat blogged. "This
|     looked to us like a classic FUD effort. To unleash FUD, you
|     assemble a lot of patents of uncertain value, annotate them with a
|     roadmap for the companies and products to be targeted with the
|     patents, put the lot in the hands of trolls schooled in patent
|     aggression, and then stand back and wait for the FUD to spread with
|     its chilling effect."
| The only problem with Red Hat's assertion though, is that according to
| a comment I got late yesterday from the OIN, they didn't think the
| actual patents were all that strong or that open source software
| actually infringed on the patents.

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